Sunday, November 14, 2021

Evil -- And Sick!

 The current occupant of the Oval Office, and his appointments to various federal agencies, are not only evil, they are sick!  

Sick in mind and spirit...

This has been confirmed by the "directives" -- not laws! -- that directly contradict the Natural Law and God-given common sense, which, it seems, the hard Left lack to the detriment of their mental well-being, not to mention their immortal souls...

Here is a case in point from The Alliance Defending Freedom

"The unlawful vaccine mandate is not the only place where this administration has overstepped its authority."The administration is attempting to mandate compliance with radical gender identity ideology—threatening fines and jail time to strong-arm people of faith into falling in line."A directive from the Department of Housing and Urban Development forces colleges and universities to open their dorms, bathrooms, and showers to members of the opposite sex. "This is blatantly unconstitutional. And a brave Christian college in Missouri—College of the Ozarks—is standing up against this directive."Not surprisingly, the college believes that sex is unchangeable. And it runs its dorms accordingly."But now, the Biden administration is trying to FORCE the college to violate its religious beliefs and allow men and women to share dorm rooms … and even showers."With the support of people like you, College of the Ozarks is challenging Biden’s mandate in federal court."Next week, ADF is arguing the college’s case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, which is one step below the U.S. Supreme Court. Will you give right now to help defend the college and stand against the overreaching mandate?"The Biden mandate applies to all colleges where any student can apply—even private, religious colleges that turn down every cent of federal money. That means there’s no way out."It’s time for Americans to send a clear message to the Biden administration: We will not stand by and watch as you infringe upon our religious freedom."

End of excerpt...

What you just read is not a conspiracy theory or mindless speculation, but the fact that this rogue, faux "leader" holding the White House hostage, is beyond evil, he is sick, and indicates a very tormented soul as well as other apostate "Catholics" that fill his "administration."

It is a sad day that neither I, nor any other American thought we would ever see in our beloved country taking place right before our eyes.  The time has come to absolutely resist these unrestrained, extremists in any way possible, hopefully, peacefully.  Under normal circumstances, the ball would be in their court to right these grievous wrongs against the American citizenry.  However, that scenario is hoping against hope... In that case, resistance is the ball in our court to placing a concrete barrier to their wicked and evil agenda, stopping it dead in its tracks...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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