Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Live Free Or Die... Just A Slogan On A License Plate? Not Hardly...

  I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York.  After my military service, and satisfying my wanderlust, I eventually ended up in New Hampshire, making that "live free or die" state my home for 32 years...

There are still Democrats and other "progressives" (Marxists?) that would like nothing more than to scrap this timeless declaration of freedom off every single license plate in the state: Live Free Or Die...  But to replace it with what?  I haven't got a clue, but I could easily imagine that it would not be to my liking one bit! 

There are some residents that probably think that such a cry to change what is on the license plates of N.H. drivers is no big deal. 


But in the present atmosphere of near-total control and intrusiveness of the behemoth government entities, whether local, state or federal, into our lives, I think that it is important to remember those who have gone before us giving their all to secure our freedoms that we enjoy today, or, what is left of those freedoms.

As a practicing Catholic, I realize that some of those freedoms are really the opposite, meaning that the misuse of our freedoms as listed in, and protected in, the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, have been interpreted by the judicial branch of government to include the ending of pre-born life -- found in some obscure "right to privacy" nonsense...

But this is more than a misuse: it is diabolical, and has become a true scourge upon our beloved country, making the helpless, innocent pre-born baby an object of child sacrifice to the father of lies, Satan, along with his army of willing participants in this sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance...

Today, we are faced with another scourge that threatens the very existence of a majority of the world's population: mandated "vaccinations" supposedly to combat some type of a "viral" bug that has been let loose on the aged, intending to reduce those folks with co-morbidities, and take them out of this world as part of the "final solution" envisioned by the haters of the human race, or, as I often refer to these miscreants: Christ haters...

There is some hope... In recent weeks, some real Americans have gotten fed up with the dictates of the tyrants, and have begun to fight back with protests -- and their wallets, especially when it comes to the public indoctrination centers toying with the physical and spiritual well-being of their children.  

(I have often wrote that the most sure-fire way of protecting school-aged children from corruption, is to pull them out of those government schools and homeschool them for the ultimate sake of their souls -- and for the souls of those parents whose main goal is guiding their offspring to the heavenly beatitude, anything less and their responsibility falls flat on its face...  And, as parents, they will be held accountable for their actions or inactions concerning their children when they stand before Christ at their Particular Judgment.)

It's a really simple proposition: if the demon gets the children, he's won the war against humanity...

Guard your children at all costs!

Live Free Or Die!


Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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