Saturday, November 27, 2021

The REAL Domestic Terrorists... Hint, It's NOT Peaceful Parents Protesting At School Board Meetings...

  We all should know by now, that some of those real terrorists are the so-called Black Lives Matter (BLM) radicals, and Antifa, both are hard-core Marxists, but what I'm going to reveal to you are those whose track record shows support and encouragement for those miscreants.

And who are these supporters of those who constantly attack America-loving patriots?  

It is they who walk the halls of the Congress and the Senate, but most importantly those treasonous politicians who have taken the White House hostage since January, 2021, that's who...

Sure, not all those elected representatives fall into the above category, but enough to make the American populace sick to their stomachs, at least those who care and have not been completely hypnotized or brainwashed by the incessant propaganda and fear campaign driven into our heads, day after day after day after day...

Those same reps may not support those anarchist organizations with arms, ammunition or money(?), but by their incessant chanting of their so-called "justice" mantra, they embolden them nonetheless... 

And now, guess what??  

Just as those in the know -- the alternative sources for real news and accurate prognostication, and now the mainstream, Marxist media, have announced that there has been a new and more virulent variant of -- what, exactly, a virus, a flu bug, or?? -- making its way from South Africa, of all places, to the petrified populace of the Western nations.  Just wait and see how long it will take before another round of fear-mongering and shut-downs will occur here, on Main Street, U.S.A.

Believe it or not, there are brainwashed, supple American citizens -- along with their children -- fully "vaccinated" -- still walking around with face diapers!  

These are the most vulnerable to another campaign unleased from the likes of the CDC, NIH, and the corrupted brains behind it all, "Dr." Frankenstein Fauci... Another apostate Catholic who long ago sold his immortal soul to the demon for uncontrolled power and influence in this life, and to hell with the price that he will have to pay in the next...

So, if you want to know who the real domestic terrorists are, look no further than those in the seats of power, both at the federal and state level, mandating that a free American citizenry bend their knees to the god of this world, Satan, and his minions.  Sure, they may not have horns or breathe fire, but their intellects are possessed by the demon, this is reflected in their blood-thirsty lust for the killing of the pre-born.  And, yes, it is all about abortion to keep it "legal" as well as the ultimate goal of these filthy globalist: the de-population of the earth to suit their barbaric agenda to rule all humanity...

Are we living in the end-times?  Looks like it... What do you say?  Leave a comment and I'll respond...

In the meantime, pray for -- and strive -- for personal sanctity, as well as for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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