Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Lie Of The "Covid" "Pandemic": The Truth Will Set You Free!

 It is imperative to read the entire article that I have posted here: The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist - LewRockwell

Even traditional Catholic patriots have been snookered into believing what the hospitals and doctors have told them that they have "covid" all because of the so-called "PCR test"... 

I am completely aghast at the willingness to believe the establishment medical and pharmaceutical industries' propaganda fear campaign by those who should know better.  It seems the ability to investigate and at least read and listen to alternative sources of vital information when it comes to their own health and the health of their families, is not even considered.  


Further, I am getting to the point that when I read the "prayer list" that we get on an almost daily basis, and that prayer list has folks who are supposedly infected and suffering from "covid," and are hospitalized, and even worse, put on ventilators, I want to scream to high heaven!

By the way, who is it that tells these folks they have "covid"?  How do they know?  The fact is, they don't know.  But what they do know, is that when someone is told they have "covid," that person will believe it, then, the fear-game begins and the brainwashing is complete...

Know this: When someone enters a hospital, and tests "positive" for "covid," that hospital get additional funds to add to their bottom line ($).  In addition, the big pay-day comes when some poor soul is put on a ventilator.  At that point, the hospital reaps a windfall of monies to the tune of multi-thousands of dollars!  Who can resist such a temptation?  Certainly not the administrators who drive their Mercedes, or have second or third vacation homes... 

These demons put their wallets above their patients, and to hell with the Hippocratic Oath!

I will give a very recent example of three priests that were listed on the prayer list... Two, it was stated, were on ventilators!  

Let me explain that when someone is placed on a ventilator, that is a death certificate in most instances... 

What is never explained in the prayer list is what co-morbidities are present in that person, or, how old is that patient?   It is apparent from whistleblowers -- and the hospitals themselves -- that most, if not all, hospitals refuse to administer known life-saving protocols, but instead follow the recommendations of the diabolical, apostate "Catholic" "Dr." Fauci, administering deadly protocols that ensures near-total incapacitation or, in far too many cases, death.

I am fed up!

Our Lord is no wimp, and He doesn't expect us to be wimps either! He wants us to fight for Him -- and for the precious life He gave us.  He hates -- yes, hates -- lukewarm Christians to the point that He says in the Bible: I will vomit you out of my mouth!  Did you get that???   He will vomit you out of His mouth

My message to so-called traditional Catholics: Stop swallowing the line that these haters of the human race give you on a daily basis... Stop believing the lies and dig for the truth!  For the truth will set you free! 

You and I will all be held accountable for our actions -- or inactions and omissions!  Our works will follow us!  So, get real and think for yourselves!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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