Thursday, November 4, 2021

Full-Blown Capitulation -- And Support! -- For The Climate Change Nazis By The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio..

 If there was ever any doubt whatsoever that Bergoglio is an anti-Christ, there should no longer be that doubt.  Witness this article from (as well as a very similar article on 

Pope encourages global leaders to fulfill goals of pro-abortion climate change pact - LifeSite ( 

And this: Pope Francis Compares Effects of Climate Change to World War II (

My dear readers, this is complete lunacy from the supposed pope of what passes for the Catholic Church!

It must be understood that "climate change" is just another weapon in the arsenal of the population -- de-population -- control monsters who will stop at nothing in order to fulfill their demonic agenda to reduce the population of the earth to less than a billion people (there are currently about seven billion people around the globe).

So, how is this to be accomplished?

The newest weapon is the so-called "vaccine" to combat a faux pandemic that has decimated numerous countries, destroying the livelihood of tens of millions of working adults in our country and in other Western nations as well.  And now, little children are the target of the Christ-hating Marxists demons who are the marionets pulling the strings of the incoherent, demented, apostate "Catholic" occupant of the White House, fast-tracking approval from the corrupt FDA to stick the filthy concoction into the arms of five- to eleven-year-olds!  

Hey parents, if you let that happen you should be sent to prison for the rest of your natural lives, and let those who love life and freedom raise you children, because apparently you don't know what sacrifice and love is really all about.

Bergoglio is all in for getting the deadly jab, as well as comparing "climate change" to the conflagration known as World War II.

Can you believe it?!

Please read the two articles I have listed above, and prepare to be enraged... 

Pray for the conversion of Bergoglio to the faith of Christ, because right now, he is doing the work of the father of lies, Satan...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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