Friday, October 29, 2021

Is Rome Now The Center Of Idolatry -- In A Formal Rebellion Against God?

 This is almost becoming too much to bear, that is, for a Catholic who treasures his faith and tries to live a sanctified life by following the perennial teachings of the Church and the Deposit of Faith...

What is going on in "the eternal city," is nothing short of demonic!  

See my articles regarding the bizarre actions of the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, here: Is The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Pro-Life?

And now, I must report that Bergoglio is -- again! -- calling for no borders or walls, and that sovereign countries should no longer be sovereign; should no longer protect their borders; should welcome all immigrant aliens regardless of their intention to cause upheaval of society; to fight -- at all costs -- "climate change," etc...  

And how is that diabolical goal to be accomplished?

Well, it seems he, Bergoglio, has opened the doors to population control, and we know what that means: contraception, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality (two men or two women cannot reproduce), and, of course, dramatically change the way people live and work in order to "save the planet"...

The earth is the new god; Pachamama is the high priestess in this blasphemy against the rule and Kingship of Christ our Lord.  This will surely lead many more millions of souls to hell...

See this article from

Pope Francis: Let There Be No More Borders or Walls to ‘Hide Behind’ (

This sick capitulation to the radical globalists is almost beyond comprehension for the supposed leader of over 1,000,000,000 Catholics, most, I'm afraid, are in name only...  

What is the number one reason for the Church in the first place?  The salvation of souls, not adopting to the spirit of the age, or worse, the deadly spirit of Marxism and modernism (the synthesis of all heresies).

The faithful, the Elect, the Remnant have to fight all enemies of the faith; all enemies and threats to the salvation of our souls, regardless from whence they come, whether from a dark, back ally in a slum of an inner-city, or from the Vatican...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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