Saturday, October 16, 2021

The "New" Synod(al) Way, Or The Salvation Of Souls?

  In traditional Catholic circles, that question would be easily answered, but, in the novus ordo world, the answer becomes blurred; very blurred...

Well, the "new synod" has gotten underway as of last Sunday.  It is scheduled to continue until October of 2023!  2023!

In effect, it has already been called "Vatican III"... As if we needed more confusion as to who makes up the "people of God", as well as defining the "real" mission of the Church founded by our Lord on the Rock of St. Peter.  As I just wrote, in traditional Catholic circles that answer is quite obvious.  So, there is no need to revert back to basic "catechism 101" to find that "elusive" -- elusive, in what passes for the Catholic Church these days -- answer...

The information that is already available to the Catholic world, indicates that the synod will focus on "dialogue," "accompaniment," and, of course, "listening"... 

"Dialogue" with whom and for what purpose?

"Accompaniment" with whom and for what purpose?

"Listening" to whom or what?  And for what purpose?

Is this going to be the template for a "different" church?

From what I have heard, there is little or no focus on the conversion of those outside the Church, to come in to the one Ark of Salvation; the primary reason for the establishment of the Church of Christ -- by Christ.  That cannot change!  But that is one of the reasons for the synod: to make the Church change; to make the Church "different," and to bring it up to date with modern times, in other words, have it homogenized with the zeitgeist -- the spirit of the age.  If this were to officially happen (it can't!) then the spirit of the "new" church would be complete and totally immersed in relativism: one "religion" is just as good as another, etc...

Can anyone imagine the devastating damage piled on top of the damage we already experience in the novus ordo church of today and what that might look like by the end of 2023??

The one-world-(Masonic)religion will have been firmly implanted in the Chair of St. Peter.  Come to think of it, it seems that it might already have strong roots in that hallowed place... Faithful Catholics cannot let that happen, giving up without "firing a shot across the bow" is not an option.  It is our duty to warn those anti-Christs that if they don't mend their ways, they will end up in hell, as sure as night follows day...

But we faithful cannot evangelize the separated brethren for conversion, nor can we admonish obstinate public sinners, such as those who do their dead-level best to slaughter the pre-born, nor can we deny them the Holy Eucharist.  That is, according to Bergoglio, who has condemned such efforts, especially the righteous actions of traditional Catholics who know what has to be done to convert hearts and souls to our Lord...

So, just what exactly can we do without "offending" folks that meets with the goals and standards set by the Bishop of Rome?

I haven't got a clue... What I do know is that those goals and standards are not Catholic by any stretch...

What will be accomplished over the next several years regarding these ongoing synods?  Your guess is as good as mine, but don't hold you breath for anything good to come of it, as it will not be inspired by the Holy Ghost, of that I'm sure...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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