Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Hail Mary" Or "Hail Satan?

  Read St. Luke, 1:28: And the angel [Gabriel] being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women...

(Note: I used the Catholic Bible, not the King James version this time around for one reason: the words were deliberately changed to read: ...Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee... The idea of being "highly favored" could apply to you or me -- your boss could say you were "highly favored" for a promotion, not "full of grace" for a promotion -- but when the angel Gabriel addressed the future Mother of our Lord, he was directed to say: "full of grace"... Who else could be the Mother of God, someone "highly favored", or someone "full of grace" -- with the Holy Ghost?  

Any good and decent -- highly favored -- woman could fill that roll, if that were the case.  But that was not the case at all. From all eternity, God had Mary in His mind's eye for her to carry His Son, and bring Christ into the world to redeem and save us.)


I have a couple of gripes that have to be addressed... First, who hasn't watched a recent football game?  Or, who hasn't heard a sportscaster going over the highlights to analyze a football game?  When, all of a sudden, the idiot says something like: "They need a "Hail Mary" pass..."  Or some version of that...

What goes through his tiny mind for that overpaid loudmouth to hurl, what I consider, an insult to the Mother of his God?  

Do these sportscasters and reporters have no other way to express themselves?  Cannot the bar be brought up just a little higher to give due honor and veneration to the Blessed Virgin Mary?  Would commentator say something like:  "The quarterback needs an Alice (his wife's name) if they have any chance..." I don't think you'll ever hear that... But the Mother of God is fair game, it seems...


A few years ago, my wife and I were watching a segment of the Texas legislature getting ready to vote on a pro-life bill, protecting, to some extent, the pre-born... All of a sudden, we faintly heard the beginning of a chant... Difficult to make out, the sound was "cleaned up"... What we heard was almost unbelievable: "Hail Satan, Hail Satan, Hail Satan..."  

I wonder if those "pro-choice" miscreants really knew what they were doing?  Have they really sold their immortal souls to the devil?  Is that really possible?  I think so, as we have all witnessed the wicked, evil regime in the White House aggressively attacking those who support pro-life legislation, or trying to strip-out the Hyde Amendment from any proposed bills.  These workers of iniquity, are, in fact, doing the work of the devil.  The demon likes nothing better than to see the destruction of God's gift of life to us, the pre-born baby.  And who is doing the work of Satan?  The vast majority are apostate "Catholics," the worst of the worst... You know to whom I'm referring...


"Hair Mary," or "Hail Satan"?  

I choose the Mother of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary... She is a powerful intercessor for us, and, as the Bible tells us, she will crush the head of the Evil One, the father of lies and death, Satan... 

So, "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb... "And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (St. Luke, 1:43.)

One more thing... the Devil hates the Hail Mary prayer -- so say it!  

Pray the "Hail Mary" for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS...for those who think that giving due honor and veneration to the Blessed Mother of Christ, detracts, in some way, the adoration and praise due to our Lord, they are not looking at it properly.  Here is a military analogy... If an Army division defeats an enemy, and some of the victorious troops distinguish themselves and are awarded medals for bravery and heroism, does that detract from the commanding general's honor and glory?  No.  Just the opposite... he gains more glory because of those under him carried out his battle plans and defeated the enemy...


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