Friday, October 1, 2021

Why Are 10,000 Black Americans Being Killed In The U.S.A. Every Year, And Who Is Doing The Killing?

 That death toll sounds much more than you would see from a major battle in World War II; it sounds more like a massacre!

See this article from and written by Pat Buchanan...

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year? | CNSNews.

Next, see this article from on how those Black Americans died... Hint, it's not what we have been led to believe!  

FBI: Over 3.5x More Killed with Knives than Rifles of Any Kind (

Now for my commentary...

First, Mr. Buchanan sifts through all the horrendous figures but does not quite nail down those really responsible for this humanitarian disaster.  In reality, these killings and mayhem are the result of black-on-black crimes, involving gang wars, drug wars and territorial disputes among those very same gangs.  Most, if not all these crimes, are, in fact, related in some way...

Second, as the article in points out, the majority of the killings in the U.S., according to FBI crime statistics, makes an astonishing revelation: over three-and-a-half times more people are killed with knives, than rifles of any kind!  

Those incredible numbers smashes the Left's attack on the law-abiding citizens owning rifles and handguns, and lays bare that folks are killed many more times by knives, as well as beaten to death.  These data refers to Americans in general, not just to our Black brothers and sisters. 

Neither the article from Mr. Buchanan, nor the article posted on Breitbart, failed to mention the absolute, on-going war-zone of the City of Chicago, with Demonrat mayor, Lightfoot at the helm of government...

With 3,600 shot, and with nearly 700 homicides (this year), I find it totally incomprehensible that this poor excuse of a political "leader" is still sitting at the mayoral desk -- where the buck is supposed to stop!    

There's another factor that goes mostly unnoticed concerning our fellow Blacks... the percentage of abortions among their race: making  up about 13-14 percent of the population of the country, they suffer over 34 percent of all abortions!  These figures do not include New York or California, two of the most radical states when it comes to abortion, but do not report the numbers of children killed by that heinous procedure... If one were to figure in New York and California, that percentage is probably 40+, or higher!

The real genocide...

So much for peace, tranquility and justice...

Pray for strength and honor!\

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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