Monday, October 4, 2021

Is Australia Coming To America? And The Loss Of Tradition And Our Human Rights...

 For those who watch football until their eyes bug out, and haven't seen or heard what is going on in Australia, then you, my friend are part of the problem of not recognizing the planned phenomenon that has been successfully implemented against the American populace...

You should take the time to see just what is happening in Australia and get ready to gasp in horror!  

What planned phenomenon am I writing about?  Do I really have to ask that question?  

Are you folks more concerned with having a full tank of gas (the price of which has skyrocketed since the illicit Biden regime stole the White House) and a twelve-pack of Budweiser, instead of paying attention to the near, full eradication of your basic human rights?    

Football and beer; such a comforting combination to blot out the reality of the encroaching tyranny imposed by that very same Biden, Marxist regime.  It may be comforting, but when you wake up Monday morning, see if you can still exercise your God-given, Constitutional rights to speak freely; to refuse to be injected with a potentially deadly "vaccine"; to visit your loved ones in the hospital, only to be told that you can't; to worship God in your church; to work without getting the jab, another endless list...


Are you aware of the breakdown of the supply chain?  Are you aware that there are literally hundreds of container ships loaded to the brim with goods, anchored off-shore both on the East and West coasts, unable to dock -- or should I say, told to stay out to sea until... what?

Just who is pulling the strings?  The easy answer are the elite, globalists who own those "elected" federal government officials.  Another conspiracy, you say?  Yes, but those useful idiots are under the complete control of the real conspirator, the father of lies, Satan.  

Add to this witch's brew the weakened, majority of the hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic Church," and those bishops who are, in reality, political animals more concerned with filthy lucre, and their homosexual liaisons, than shepherding the flock of souls entrusted to them... Said another way, they have betrayed Christ, their real Master, and vowed their allegiance to the demon...

Other denominations have also succumbed to the diabolical and un-natural... (See the 1930 Lambert Conference that decided the sin of contraception, was no longer a sin!?  This betrayal of the Natural Law, opened the door to the crime, the scourge, of abortion that has taken the lives of over an estimated 1,000,000,000 -- BILLION -- children, worldwide, since the early 1970s.)  


With the full capitulation to the demonic, our elected representatives are determined to become our masters, when, in reality, they are supposed to be our servants, not the other way around... We are getting very close to the former scenario, and, if that is the case, then the decision must be made to implement the very words of our Declaration of Independence, not because we do not like certain policies, but because the despotism has gotten to the point of no return, smothering our basic, God-given rights, without which, we become something less than human, in other words, slaves...


The good news?   Our Australian brothers and sisters are fighting back against a militarized police force, regardless of the brutality they are suffering under the heavy hand of their "elected" politicians...

The longing to be free is built in us as human beings; we will not be silenced nor imprisoned, regardless of the cost...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the nation of Australia...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno (servant of God), pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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