Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Gasp! The F.B.I. Doesn't Keep Track Of The Domestic Terrorist Organization Known As Antifa (And BLM)!!

  But!  Now parents will be suspected of domestic terrorism if they peacefully speak out at school board meetings regarding the filth taught in their kid's schools, including the so-called "critical race theory"... 

In fact, the "attorney general" of the U.S. has been directed by the incoherent imposter sitting in the Oval Office, to investigate and surveil those parents attempting to defend the Natural Law as it applies to their children.   

Apparently, the Leftist school board members feel "threatened" by those parents seeking some measure of accountability, simply by speaking up!  That's right; if you now exercise your First Amendment rights, and try to protect your kids from the anti-American garbage being taught in most public schools these days, you are the ones who should be investigated, not the real insurrectionists scum known as Antifa and BLM...

When recently questioned by a congressional committee, one of the high-ranking FBI gang members couldn't even answer the question of how many arrests of Antifa or BLM were made after tearing apart and burning numerous Demonrat-controlled cities over the last year or so!  Instead, he said that arrests were made of those who, as he characterized them, are "anti-government" or "anti-authority."


Let's face it folks, the FBI has become a Gestapo organization under the current director, Wray, by direction of the "attorney general," Garland, and the mindless dictator, Biden, it is the parents that are now to be considered the real "domestic terrorists."  If that weren't bad enough, if you are a God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and a veteran, you fall into that category too!

How low have the human element of those who run -- and are attempting to ruin -- our nation sunk?  When will we rise up to correct these miscreants?  How much more will we take before we act?

One more thing... It is only a matter of time before the empty shell, Biden, is removed from office so the equally evil Harris will take over the reigns of government... When that happens, get ready for an actual invasion from the sworn enemies of God and freedom, including Red Communist China, North Korea, et al!  

Actually, that invasion is already underway... Just look at the porous, southern border as well as those military-aged Afghan men who have been unvetted and allowed to enter our country en masse, while so many Americans are still left behind in that hell-hole of Afghanistan! 

Protect the Second Amendment!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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