Monday, October 11, 2021

Western Wildfires, Ecoterrorism, Racism And The Culture Of Death, Are They Related?

  What if a fire-fighting team attempting to put out those devastating wildfires is composed of whites only, simply because of demographics, is that a form of "racism"?

In our twisted society, wouldn't that be considered discrimination against the ecoterrorists. some of whom may be black, red, purple, brown -- add your own color to the list, not to mention an illegal alien or two -- who have probably set at least some of the fires that have killed and destroyed homes and lives?  

But let the buck stop at those radical, leftist lunatics occupying state and federal agencies who have failed miserably in their duty to maintain and enforce common sense policies to ensure proper forest growth and manageable habitation of wildlife...

The question begs: why haven't the authorities revealed to the public, that some of these horrific fires have been set by ecoterrorists?  I haven't heard a peep, or even about the possibility of such a crime being committed by those maniacal outlaws.  All is blamed on an act of God, lightning... 

Let's dig in to this scenario a bit...

First, the inability to use God-given common sense has resulted in poor forest management, allowing heavy underbrush to built up over the years, making the forest a tinder-box, just waiting to be lit...

But why was that?

Was it to save some "endangered species" of a frog or a bug, or maybe a spotted owl, or a guppy (a tiny fish)?

Or, was -- and is -- this all part of a massive conspiracy to upend the American dream of freedom of movement and independence, but only to be controlled by tyrannical despots? 

Wait a minute!  How can I point the finger at ecoterrorism and consider that as part of plot to end America as we know it?

As a case in point, the recently confirmed secretary of the BLM, is a former ecoterrorist!  This "winner's" name is Tracy Stone-Manning, a radical from way back... This has been proven by hundreds of documents and the information is available in the public domain for anyone to research.


Let's keep digging...


What was one of the major causes of the "Boston Tea Party"?

A tax on tea.

A small tax on tea...

Why would the Bostonians revolt against a small tax on tea and stir up a revolution against King George III?

Because those Colonists knew that if they accepted that "little" tax, then what would come next; what other taxes and policies would be implemented to erode their freedom even further?

The connection between outrageous income taxes, our loss of personal freedom, political correctness and Marxist ideology, strangling our God-given rights -- as well as responsibilities -- and destroying what is left of the middle class, is all part of the diabolical plan to reduce the population through the culture of death: abortion, contraception, homosexuality, infanticide, euthanasia, and, the new kid on the block, "transgenderism," along with the forced injections of a filthy, untested "vaccine" developed from the cell lines of aborted babies

Increased taxes are a back-door to inflation, this was and is by design by what passes for the "president" of the United States... Along with his cronies and useful idiots in the Marxist media who hate America and will do all they can to bring her to her knees.  Then, they will put out the red carpet -- and I do mean Red Communist carpet -- to our sworn enemies.

But there's a catch... those who think that they will be part of the new "Amerika," are simply deceiving themselves, as they will be among the first "to go," that's how these anti-Christ bad guys work...


The near-total reversal of our energy independence that was achieved under President Trump, with the incoherent, puppet Biden cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline as well as forbidding oil exploration in the AWR (Arctic Wildlife Refuge).  In addition, there has been a moratorium of offshore drilling for at least several months... Because of this, we see the outrageous jump in gasoline prices over the last nine months... And who suffers the most?  The middle class that have to drive to work and suffer the sticker shock of seeing prices climb at the pump every time they fill up...

We can see the two-pronged attack on the middle class: increased taxes and much higher gas prices, but this too is by design, not happenstance, with the goal of completely destroying what is left of the middle class, then making them (us!) dependent on the government trough...


As I mentioned earlier, the culture of death is being pushed by the cabal presently in control of the Oval Office, with the likes of Biden, Pelosi and other self-described "devout Catholics" doing all they can to annihilate the pre-born baby, while at the same time, turning a blind-eye to the selling of aborted baby parts to the highest bidder.  This is and always has been against federal law, but who is there to enforce it and throw these murderers in prison for the rest of their natural lives??

I see no action or inclination whatsoever to do so...


The selective killing of the precious gift of life, is, without a doubt, a form of racism, as the majority of black American babies killed in the womb suffer a gruesome death at the hands of "doctors" and "nurses," this is especially the case in New York State and California...

It is estimated that although the black population of the country stands at about 13-14 percent, those black babies destroyed through abortion is in the neighborhood of 34 percent!  This, however, does not include the two most deadly states for the pre-born, N.Y. State and California, as they do not submit the number of black American babies murdered to the CDC, as do the other 48 states... 

If those two states were to be included, then that percentage of black babies killed would rise to at least 40 percent, or perhaps closer to 50 percent!


Ecoterrorism, racism, the culture of death; the brainwashing of Americans into believing that if they don't get the jab and wear a face-diaper, they will get sick and die; the extreme weakness in the Church, mix this together with a false "president," and you have a deadly witch's brew of evil and mayhem.  


Crossing the "t's" and dotting the "i's"...

I cannot end this missive without pointing the finger to one of the major causes of this ongoing, and successful, evil in the world: the lack of true shepherds in the Catholic Church.  Let me be clear, I am referring to the novus ordo -- new world order -- "Catholic Church."

It is painfully clear that modernists, and, most importantly, Communists and homosexuals were recruited by the likes of the former Communist, Bella Dodd, to enter the Catholic seminaries and be "ordained" to the priesthood, rise through the ecclesiastical ranks to become "bishops" and cardinals," for the purpose of destroying the Church from within... This fact has now become very clear as we see third- and fourth-generation of perverts and Communists sitting in seats of power throughout the Church.    

This is one of the reasons for the ongoing and constant attacks on traditional Catholicism, especially the Traditional Latin Mass as well as those young and growing families who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven.  All the while, the novus ordo is quickly dying on the vine; the sooner the better... 

The father of lies, Satan, hates the TLM and those loyal to our Lord and the authentic Magisterium -- the teaching arm of the Church... 

He, Satan, is the diabolical culprit behind the anti-human events that is causing mass despair and hopelessness throughout the world... But there is always hope!  We find that hope in Christ, our Lord, the One Mediator between God the Father and man...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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