Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Ongoing Devastation Of Modernism: In Society And In The Church...

 If you are not in a state of grace, then get yourself in a state of grace, pronto, and stay put!

What we, as Americans, as well as the population of the world are experiencing, is the devastation of the scourge of modernism, infecting nearly all aspects of our secular and spiritual lives.

This is evident by the events we see unfolding on a daily basis by those apostate "Catholics" who are running and ruining our country, in addition to those hierarchs in the novus ordo "church" leading astray millions of souls from our Lord, to His ape, Satan; the father of lies and death...

The great Pope -- real -- Saint Pius X rightly condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies, in Pascendi  DOMINICI GREGIS, written in 1907, now, one hundred and fourteen years later, things have gotten so much worse, that one can easily be discouraged and despaired to the point of completely giving up, or worse.

The evil forces that have infiltrated our government, and, just as important if not more so -- the Church, was made manifest before, during and after the Second Vatican Council, leaving a trail of ruination of religious orders, priests, and laity, who left the Church in droves.  

That horrendous trend continues to this day, in light of the rampant homosexuality that, sadly, permeates the upper echelons of the novus ordo church, which has led to the sexual exploitation of innocent youth and seminarians who wanted nothing more than to serve God at the altar...

This situation has not changed one iota, regardless of the protestations and "investigations" of those sodomite-friendly priests, bishops, cardinals and popes, that is, if they are not homosexuals themselves.

But it is not only the sin of Sodom that damns souls to hell, it is also the denial of defined dogmas of the Church, as can be seen in the words and actions of those in-charge of the flock, or what is left of the flock, again, in the novus ordo church.

Those shepherds of the flock of Christ, have been acting like heirlings rather than the owners of the flock, abandoning those souls in need of the sacraments by capitulating to the dictates of Caesar, over the last year-and-a-half because of a phantom virus... 

The shepherds have reversed the priority of obeying God first, instead they are obeying those men who align themselves with the spirit of the age, rather than the perennial teachings of the true Catholic Church.

One of the horrific results of this abandonment led to the 1973 Supreme Court Decision (Roe v Wade) "legalizing" the slaughter of the pre-born baby... These days, it has gotten even worse and includes organ harvesting -- from live babies!

Here is an excerpt of an article by acclaimed Doctor, Ian Donald, the pioneer of the ultrasound scanner, also claims to have witnessed the WI-38 [another cell-line] dissections [1962], conducted at the Karolinska Institute (the Netherlands); he described them such:

"’Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage’."

Can these murders be laid at the feet of the clergy as well as those in positions of power and influence?  Yes, because their weakness and capitulation has emboldened the Satanists to carry out their diabolical agenda without fear of repercussions, i.e., ex-communication for the "Catholic" politicians (murderers), or imprisonment.  

---All things are connected; there is no "separation of church and state," period.  I do not mean that in a Constitutional rights way, but in the sense that as the Church goes, so goes society. ---

Dare a faithful priest preach the truth from the housetops, and see what happens!  There are now scores -- if not hundreds -- of priests that have been silenced because they excoriate and admonish the obstinate public sinner, only to suffer persecution from so-called bishops, denying those good priests the ability to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. 


The ongoing "canonizations" of the conciliar-  and post-conciliar popes and the new synod on synodality, whatever that is, and the egregious attack on Tradition, is almost beyond comprehension.  Yet it continues at break-neck speed because the TLM communities are growing leaps and bounds and the radical haters of Tradition and orthodoxy can't take it!

With continued attacks on Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass, by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, faithful Catholics may well be heading back to the catacombs.  So be it...

All the faithful must do what they can to reverse this anti-Christ agenda by much prayer, fasting (I have a hard time with that!), talking, writing, e-mailing, praying at death mills and the like... 

We know Who will win in the end, but for now, things will certainly get worse before they get any better... 

Our Blessed Lady, pray for us... St. Joseph, the terror of demons, pray for us...

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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