Sunday, October 3, 2021

The CDC: Nearly 700,000 Americans Have Died From "Covid" And 5,760,907 Have Died This Year From All Causes...

 The first figure is a lie!  The second figure, if accurate, should be a wake-up call for the living: that almost SIX MILLION Americans have died so far this year.  

What is that "wake-up call"?  Get yourself straight with our good, merciful -- and JUST -- God, for no one knows when He will call us to meet Him at our -- individual -- Particular Judgment...

Getting back to the 700,000 death toll from "covid"... Keep in mind that anyone can go to the CDC website and see for themselves in the column of deaths from "covid," the "famous" footnote number 1.

It reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19...

Do reputable scientists presume anything?  Not that I know of, but when it comes to "covid," they certainly have no hesitation of doing just that!  

Is that all part of "following the science"?  If so, then what else can we presume about our world?  

I have used the following example to make my point: what if a NASA scientist suggests an "O-ring" to replace the one that supposedly failed and led to the Space Shuttle disaster in 1986.  But he can't be sure that it will correct the problem and that all aboard the next Shuttle will come home safe and sound.  

Can't be sure?  He presumes that the new O-ring will work and he tells his supervisors his findings?

How long do you think it will take to fire that jerk?  

I'd say about 5 or 10 seconds...

Yet, the CDC gets away with presuming that nearly 700,000 Americans have died with "covid"?

Is that science??

What really disturbs me is that all of the mainstream media, and the vast majority of the more "conservative," alternative media quote the same nonsensical number!  


Even "conservative," "traditional" Catholics quote those numbers too, and continue the fear-mongering when they say that someone is sick and needs prayers because they are stricken with "covid".  How do they know?  Who is telling them that it's "covid"?  The "scientists"? 

Why do they accept that conclusion?  

The answer is that the constant drum-beating of "covid" has been completely successful in convincing that the man-made virus has infected, not only bodies, but also the mind as "covid" is now enshrined in the lexicon of our thoughts and speech... 

The successful campaign of brainwashing eliminates the need to think, research, and act for ourselves, and so we trust the scientists to tell us the truth at all times... Right... If anyone truly believes that, I still have that bridge for sale on oceanfront property in Arizona; I've reduced the price too! 

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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