Friday, October 15, 2021

The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Condemns Abortion -- Again...

  I give credit where credit is due... see this article from

Pope Francis Condemns Abortion: "I Have Been Very Clear, It is Homicide" -

This, of course, is a good thing!

But the problem as I see it, is that Pope Francis rightly condemns the slaughter of the pre-born, but his words ring hollow because his words are not followed by actions

Am I picking on the pope?  No, not at all... The truth must be told, if that isn't done, then we fail in our duties as loyal, faithful Catholics.  So, I ask: why does the pope say one thing so strongly, then, on the other hand meets and greets those enemies of the pre-born, or appoints them to "advisory boards," many of whom are self-described "devout Catholics" -- you know the usual suspects -- without attempting to admonish their deadly policies?   What he should do is to instill in them the fear of God -- it is obvious they don't have it! -- and will face His almighty wrath if they don't stop their radical support for the murder of our little brothers and sisters.

How can I be sure that Francis doesn't try to turn these apostates around so they return to the fold as the Prodigal Son returned to his jubilant Father?   Again, it is because of his lack of action, or, should I say, his omission of action to correct these miscreants... Instead,  we'll hear the familiar mantra from Bergoglio and other bishops: "We can't weaponize the Eucharist."  

Is that what this has come down to?  We are not to admonish the obstinate, public sinner?  And they have to be allowed to receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, regardless of the outrageous sacrilege committed by the recipient -- and the clerics who gives the Eucharist to such individuals?  

Almost every day of the week, we see, read and hear, the horrors associated with revealed facts about aborted babies having their precious bodies torn apart or sold to the highest bidder, or used in the development of some type of potentially deadly "vaccine," so, we are told, to combat a phantom virus killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

The problem with that last paragraph is that the numbers are simply not true, but that doesn't stop the tyrants-in-power to instill fear and dread about catching a bug that has over a 99-percent recovery rate -- whatever that bug is -- and attempt to force the dumbed-down populace to get the jab...

Sadly, Francis is all for getting the jab, calling it a moral obligation; an act of charity toward our neighbor!  

I don't think so...

So there you have it... The pope says a good thing, then completely nullifies what he just said by his public actions, or lack thereof...

Pray for him, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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