Friday, October 22, 2021

It Takes Russian President, Putin, To Speak To Truth! Where Are The "Shepherds" Of The Church???

  Love him or hate him, it takes the President of Russia to speak to truth, but where are the so-called shepherds of the Catholic Church???

How many bishops have raised their voices in horror over the radical homosexual agenda and the infiltration of the culture of death in society and in what the world recognizes as the Catholic Church?

I now ask a rhetorical question: why haven't more of the bishops condemned outright, this obvious anti-family, sodomite agenda?  Is it because that far too many of the bishops are homosexual themselves?  The evidence surely points to that very real possibility...  One would have to have their head in the sand not to see, hear or read the corruption and payoffs that have surfaced over the last two decades, at the very least.  I'm not just talking about the nearly $1,000,000,000 -- BILLION -- paid to abuse victims of "priests," "bishops," "cardinals"  -- and "popes"(?), but also payments to their lovers and (male) concubines!   

So, it takes Russian President, Putin, to spill the beans!

Watch this short video and think, perhaps, that Russia is ripe for consecration/conversion... 

Putin Says West is “Completely Insane,” “Subverting Human Nature” For Allowing Takeover by Gender Mob (

Think about it... the present anti-Christ, anti-life, sodomite regime holding the White House hostage, is all for turning the Natural Law on its head, aggressively pushing for the alphabet-soup-people that allows a male to use a female's facilities, especially in the public "schools"!  

By the way, news surfaced just the other day that a near-rape of a girl by a male -- who identified as a female -- took place in a school setting.  But the kicker is that the school administration hid this from the public, and, of course, the pro-sodomite, pro-death media did their part to ignore this attack.

These peddlers of the un-natural continue to subvert and destroy the innocence of our school-aged children.  What we are dealing with is truly demonic, but this is all planned and shows the hate for traditional values as well as hate for Christ, our Lord.

As usual, the novus ordo hierarchy are the bit players in this macabre culture of death...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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