Sunday, October 24, 2021

Who Are These People? And Who Do They Work For??

 Even during our Lord's time, there were traitors; traitors to Christ and traitors to the nascent church.  Of course, Judas comes to mind, but there were others as the Apostles have testified from various Scripture passages, e.g., St. Paul telling us to beware of false shepherds infiltrating and scattering the flock, through phony and heretical doctrines, leaving them vulnerable to the wolves (the devil and his minions).

If that was true 2,000 years ago, and it was, then is it still true today?

You bet, only it's much worse because there are many more traitors!

Who would have thought that in 2021 we would see a parallel church with "bishops" plying and spreading their filth among what is left of the novus ordo church? 

Hard to believe, that men, or should I qualify that, and say, males, wearing the finest of cloths, eating sumptuous foods, and living in elegant mansions and finally retiring with huge pensions paid for by those few remaining in the pews of novus ordo churches.  

This, even after paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to "settle" cases of sexual abuse of minors or those seminarians who wanted nothing more than to serve our Lord at the altar.

What these miscreants should be doing, is to wear sackcloth and ashes, do penance and beg for their food, after having wreaked havoc on the Bride of Christ by their insatiable appetite for carnal pleasures, mostly in the form of homosexuality, often acting as predators seeking out young men to groom and abuse...

These truly diabolical actors are serving their master, Satan, destroying uncountable lives, minds, hearts and souls, through despair and desperation, with some poor souls taking their own lives, unable to cope...

Such animals have no character or love of neighbor, and directly contradict our Lord's teaching on fidelity, chastity and justice...

Further, those wolves in sheep's clothing hate their own flesh, and this is made manifest by the attacks on the flesh of the innocent.

Yet, those faithful shepherds who attempt to preach the truth, are routinely persecuted and silenced and deprived of the basic goods to sustain life and happiness...

What devils!

At the same time, the homosexuals wearing the Roman collar, especially those in Germany, can vote to approve -- and bless! -- "same-sex couples," and, at the same time vote to practically eliminate the priesthood in that schismatic country!  

Complete lunacy!

If there is going to be change of hearts and minds, I feel it will come with Divine intervention of the Holy Ghost, with some massive physical manifestation (Fatima comes to mind) that will shake the very fiber of our bodies and souls.

Heaven help us!

Pray for strength and honor, now more than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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