Monday, October 25, 2021

It's Confirmed: Communists Occupy And Run Our Government...

 Did I really have to write the obvious?

How many Americans are walking around completely taken in by the official government narrative, whether it is a faux virus, the explanation as to why there is a massive supply chain backlog, or why there is a huge increase in gasoline prices, etc.?

How many Americans are still walking around wearing face diapers -- and sticking those filthy things on their own little kids! -- buying into the lies of the CDC, NIH, and the likes of the traitor, "Dr." Fauci, who, it has now been proven, that he is one of the globalist, population control freaks that created a a strain of a bug that has caused fear among the populace.  In addition, new information has just been revealed that Dr. Frankenstein supervised grossly inhumane experiments on dogs, allowing maggots to literally eat those puppies alive!  But for what reason?

Could this new revelation be just a distraction for the crimes against humanity that Fauci and his anti-Christ cohorts are responsible for releasing havoc on the world?  His lies before the Congress and Senate are so blatant and yet this apostate "Catholic" has gotten away with perjury, at least for the time being.  Let us hope and pray that some measure of justice will prevail, and he and his criminal cabal will spend the rest of their natural lives in a federal penitentiary.

The fact is, is that such miscreants are only parroting what their Marxist bosses are allowing and encouraging them to do.  In other words, their diabolical actions against the citizens of the U.S. are planned to weaken the will of those unwilling to think and research and decide for themselves what is the best for them and their families.  For now, it is imperative not to get that compromised and potentially deadly "vaccine" that it is now confirmed to be causing hundreds of thousands of "events," but also deaths, hidden by the bought-and-paid-for mainstream leftist media.

Ever since the Biden regime took the Oval Office hostage, the actions of his handlers have been to destroy our freedoms as well as the economy at the behest of his masters, the Communist Chinese.

Witness the immediate halt to the XL pipeline, this, along with a moratorium on offshore oil drilling, has led to gas prices increasing by up to $2-3 dollars a gallon, hurting those who use their vehicles to get to work, that is, if they still are able to work if they're not "vaccinated"... Where is the outrage?  Where is the non-stop "news" crews interviewing angry drives filling up their tanks, as was done years back when a Republican was president, and the price went up 5 or 10 cents!?

Their plan is working -- for now, that is.  But those who are still able to think and breathe, are beginning to resist and protest those tyrants attempting to steal our God-given freedoms.  But will they have the determination to remain a free people, or will they (that means us) succumb to the constant hammering of the evil doctrines of Marxism (including evolution as well as race-baiting, creating division and hatred among the citizens)?

Those in power are serving their master, the father of lies, Satan.

I fear for those young and growing families, and their ability to sustain their faith in God and provide sustenance during this time of constant attacks on the family unit -- one of the most important ways the demons use, is through a wrecked economy as well as forced vaccinations...

If the enemies of the human race cannot cause infertility or sterilization in the current crop of faithful mothers and fathers, then surely they will attack the children with the filthy jab that could very well cause infertility in those innocents down the road... Again, this is all planned by the traitors in the government, both at the local, state and by the centralized, behemoth, multitentacled federal bureaucracy.

As the church goes, so goes society, and the current regime in Rome has emboldened the crop of anti-life communists that are running and ruining our country -- and the world -- to implement their diabolical agenda... 

Pray for their defeat -- and their conversion!

And pray too, for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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