Friday, October 8, 2021

The Real Face Of Evil...

  If anyone thinks that evil does not exist, simply look at the faces of those "elected" representatives to dispel that misconception...

I know what you might say: "You cannot judge a book by its cover."

That's true -- in some cases, while in other cases, it is obvious and easy to see the real face of evil...

And, no, if anyone thinks that evil only comes in the form of a horned demon, think again.  Evil comes in the human form with those in three-piece suites and dresses, smiling and lying right to our faces with little or no consequence; no pushback, except, perhaps, from righteous, alternative media outlets.

Here's some names for starters -- and I'm sure you could add numerous others to this short list -- White House spokeswoman, Psaki... This female lies without hesitation, always blaming the previous administration for the mess that Biden and his handlers have caused.  She cannot directly answer a reporter's question -- never!

How about the apostate "Catholic" Pelosi, the so-called speaker of the house... A self-described "devout Catholic," she is the epitome of evil, as she pushes for the continuous slaughter of the pre-born, while, at the same time holds a press conference surrounded by -- you guessed it -- children!  And how we have to make the world safe for the children; the children; the children... Hypocrisy on parade!  No shame!

Of course, we can go right to the "top": Biden, another apostate "Catholic"; a real Ape of the true Church of Christ; incoherent, incompetent, compromised, yet he has his finger on the nuclear button.

Please think about that.

There are plenty of other names that fall into the category of devil-worshippers, and make no mistake, that's exactly what it is...

What we are seeing is a national suicide being perpetrated right before our eyes...

And, as I have written many times before: As the Church goes, so goes society... If that is true, then the compromised, homosexual, idolatrous hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic Church" is responsible for this diabolical, devastating debacle.  As President Truman stated: the buck stops here -- at this desk.  The "buck" of spiritual and moral compromise stops at the desk of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio...  

Can I judge a book by its cover?  Yes, because these apostates are out in the open, they no longer attempt to hide their evil attempt to destroy the true Catholic Church, as they effectively succeeded in throwing faithful Chinese Catholics under the bus.  In 2018, Bergoglio sent  the homosexual pervert, "cardinal" McCarrick, to sign an agreement to have the Red Communist Chinese government to approve and appoint "bishops" to head the so-called "patriotic church"...

Communists to approve and appoint bishops???

Add Bergoglio's hate for Tradition, and that includes attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass as well as contemplative orders of nuns, brothers and priests, and you have a recipe for spiritual disaster.  This, my dear readers, is all by design, not happenstance... 

We're heading back to the catacombs...

It seems as though we're living in a Mad-Max, post-apocalyptic world...  If anyone feels that I'm exaggerating, please comment and give your reasons why...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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