Friday, October 1, 2021

Treason And The New "Red Dawn"...

  Like two peas in a pod: Treason And The New "Red Dawn"...

Over the last couple of weeks, and, more specifically, over the last couple of days, through testimony -- given under oath! -- both the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen. Milley, and the secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, were "grilled" by both the Congress and the Senate regarding the unmitigated disaster perpetrated on our military forces, and especially, on our American citizens abandoned in the hell-hole of Afghanistan... 

Testimony given under oath!  

But does that oath really mean anything to these rotten Biden puppets?  

I think not... But!  Still, it seems that Biden has been thrown under the bus!  The reason is simple: rats try to skedaddle from a sinking ship, and those rats will do anything to save their own hides...

Remember too, that any false statements under oath is perjury, so in order to have at least the semblance of telling the "truth," and supporting the commander-in-chief, these mongrels beat around the bush, with doubletalk that could make a truth-seeking person vomit.  Yet their statements indicated that Biden was, in fact, lying, without saying that he is a liar -- which he is

In effect, these "generals" wanted their cake and got to eat it too...

There were immediate calls by some Republican senators for these lying, treasonous rats to resign.  But that didn't go far enough... They should be arrested and brought before a courts-martial and drummed out of the service and thrown in prison for malfeasance, at least... (It should be noted that Austin is also a former general.)

While all this is going on, if you look at the various recruiting info-commercials for the Army and the Air Force, and compare them to those of the Russian Army, you would think that the way to prepare for fighting a war is by being "nice" and "diverse" and "inclusive" and "non-judgmental"... See for yourself, here, if you can stand it...:  

(1812) U.S. Military Takes EXTREME Measures - YouTube

Starting at about minute four, get ready to see that the stage is being set for an internal "Red Dawn," by weakening our ability to fight with help of our enemies from without...

This is all that matters in today's military, not to mention forced covid "vaccinations" under the direction of the same secretary of defense, Austin.  By the way, this violation of basic human rights is already beginning to backfire, with some military personnel speaking out and refusing to take the poison jab, in some instances, at an extremely high price, with threats of courts-martial and causing an end to their loyal service to their country.

Welcome to the United States of Amerika...

When we come right down to it, this on-going attack on our military and our country, is a prime example of why the Second Amendment is so vitally important to free citizens of a free country...

Pray for the defeat of these Marxist traitors, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, and Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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