Thursday, September 30, 2021

PROOF! Apostate "Catholics" Are The Most Egregious Enemies Of Christ...

 If we didn't already know the truth of the title of my article, then please take a look and listen to the blasphemy of the new Governor of New York State, Kathy Hochul, replacing the murderous (baby killing), sexual deviant, apostate "Catholic," Andrew Cuomo...

Here are two articles that should make faithful Catholics -- and any God-fearing Christian -- take pause, and realize how low the human intellect has sunk, using the holy Name of God to continue the work of the Ape of Christ, Satan...

The first is from 'What God wants': NY gov. calls for COVID 'apostles' to promote jab - LifeSite (

The second is from Gov. Kathy Hochul Says the Unvaccinated 'Aren’t Listening to God' (

My readers should know that Hochul is a "Catholic" in the same vein as the apostate "Catholics" such as Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Durbin and numerous others who have sold their immortal souls to the demon for power and position in this life, and to hell with the price they will have to pay in the next.  Of course, that is, if they even believe that at the end of their miserable, unrepentant lives, they will face our Lord at their Particular Judgment...

This poor excuse of the leader of the citizens of New York, insults the great and heroic servants of Christ, the Apostles, by "recruiting" those brainwashed, vaccinated folks (to be her "apostles") to "encourage" those un-vaxxed "to see the light"... 

She tells us that is was God almighty that gave us the "vaccine"! 

Welcome to the new "religion" of covid...

(It should be noted that Gov. Hochul is a rabid pro-baby killer, who recently invited females from Texas, who want to kill their pre-born babies, to come to New York for the murder.  She even stated that assistance will be given for expenses; i.e., transportation, etc.!)

I rest my case...

Pray for strength and honor!  And pray for our enemies...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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