Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What Is Behind The Ongoing, Aggressive Attacks On The Catholic Faithful By The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio?

 It is becoming more and more difficult to understand, or give the benefit of the doubt to the words and actions of Bergoglio (Francis), specifically directed against those faithful Catholics who attend the sublime Traditional Latin Mass and those societies that provide the truths of the faith without compromise.

And maybe that's the rub...  Bergoglio seems to have a vicious disdain for those who cling to Tradition, and the perennial teachings of the Church concerning, not only faith and morals, but also the Natural Law and God-given common sense.   

Just who and what are we dealing with here?  

I have always believed that the pope is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ; the supreme authority of Catholics here on earth.  I also believed that the pope is supposed to be the guardian and protector of the Deposit of Faith: Scripture and Tradition, not an innovator...

It seems that almost every day, we hear and read something that is foreign to Church teaching; foreign to what we know to be right and just; foreign life itself; foreign to the true worship of our Lord in Holy Mass; foreign to a rightly ordered conscience...

Bergoglio is "famous" for overlooking, or worse, championing those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, while at the same time, continues to implement his diabolical agenda -- in line with satanic Marxism...

Can we appease Bergoglio and hope that he doesn't completely destroy the TLM that so many Catholic families love to death?

If we "beg" for "acceptance" and "patience," isn't that the same as kowtowing to the whims of a tyrannical dictator?  

Appeasement never works!

How can we remain silent in the face of such an onslaught?   

Isn't silence considered agreement?

If the evidence we have were presented in court, surely the jury would come to a verdict of guilty as charged... But we have no jury or judge to judge Bergoglio; only the Holy Ghost can and will judge the sins of commission -- and omission -- of the man who sits in the Chair of St. Peter...

I have been around since Pope Pius XII...

It is apparent to me, that Bergoglio is attempting to "canonize" Vatican II and the seeds of modernism that were planted...  And that is why that the conciliar and post-conciliar popes have all been declared to be "saints" or "blessed"; really? 

It's as if Vat. II was some type of super-dogmatic council, binding on the conscience of all Catholics, while the previous councils have to be looked at in light of Vat. II.? 

No.  It doesn't work that way... Vat. II must be looked at in light of the Tradition of the Church and the previous dogmatic councils, such as Vat. I; Trent, etc... To invert that authority would make no sense and would indicate a disordered conscience...

Perhaps this was all planned; to confuse, and scandalize the faithful, and to deceive, if possible, even the Elect?

My dear readers, we are witnessing evil and wickedness in a façade of a church; made to look Catholic, but in reality has no relationship to the real Church founded by our Lord, Christ...

These are surely the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor -- and discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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