Monday, September 6, 2021

The Demons And Devils That Swarm Around And Throughout The Biden "Administration"...

 Can I prove what I just wrote?

Yes, and here is a prime example of the self-proclaimed "devout Catholic," Biden, proving my point: (the following information has been posted on multiple websites...)  This is also another example of the behemoth, monster, centralized, federal government sticking their noses into state matters.  If this continues, it will add more fodder for the calling of a convention of states to rope in and nullify the excessive powers of the federal government... 

This from White House chief of staff, Ron Klain: "We have the best lawyers at the Justice Department looking for legal remedies to protect women who are seeking to exercise their constitutional rights. We have the team at HHS looking at what means we can do to try to get women the healthcare services they need in the face of this Texas law, and we have the gender policy counsel here at the White House, the first time a president’s ever had a policy counsel devoted to gender issues coordinating all this work to bring options forward for the president and the vice president."

In case you haven't read, the State of Texas wrote and passed a bill, and Gov. Abbott signed into law, legislation that protects the pre-born from being torn apart if a heartbeat can be detected in the developing baby.  Even the Supreme Court upheld the law, however, that is not stopping the diabolical Biden and his crew of radical henchmen doing everything in their power (the power of Satan!) to nullify or get around the law in some fashion...

It is more than obvious that Biden is bought and paid for, not only by the Marxists, but also by those entities ("planned parenthood" comes to mind) that makes close to a billion dollars a year in blood money -- in addition to over $500,000,000 of our taxpayer monies -- by the slaughter of the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born... 

I cannot imagine how any priest, bishop, cardinal or pope, would allow this demonic lunatic to receive the Holy Eucharist!   I also know that what I just wrote is a very naïve statement, because it is also apparent that the leftist cabal, known as the "Catholic" clergy, are in bed with these rotten, demon Democrats and their depopulation, one-world-order agenda...

As President Truman quipped many years ago: The Buck Stops Here, At My Desk!

That buck now stops at the desk of the male who now sits in the sacred Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio, and his minions intent on destroying our Church and those who are loyal to Christ, our Lord.  Because of his malfeasance, he has emboldened the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Durbin and other "Catholics" to flaunt the teachings of the true Church, and thereby automatically ex-communicate themselves from that very same Church founded by their Master and Savior, Jesus...

Pray for the conversion of these miscreants, or their total and complete destruction...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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