Monday, September 6, 2021

The Rotten, Demonic Fruits Of The 2018 "Agreement" Between The Vatican And The Red Chinese Communist Party Continues...

  Do any of my readers need more proof that what is referred to as the -- establishment, recognized -- Catholic Church, is neither the Church that Christ, our Lord founded, nor Catholic?  

Well, here it is... The Vatican has accepted the nomination of a "priest" to the bishopric to the city of Wuhan.  (By the way, does Wuhan sound familiar??  That is the city where the so-called "covid-19" virus was supposedly concocted and spread to the rest of the world...)

Back in 2018, the demon "Cardinal" McCarrick, was sent to Communist China to pen a deal between the "Catholic Church" and the Communist Party of China, that, would for all practical purposes, have the Communists approve and appoint "bishops" to lead the "Catholic Church" in that God-forsaken country.  Let us also not forget who cemented this diabolical deal in the first place: none other than "pope" Bergoglio!

Can you imagine another Communist "Catholic bishop".  Of course, he would not be a real bishop; his ordination is false, his appointment is false; he is a shill for the Christ-haters... He is neither Catholic, nor a bishop.  All this does is to drive further underground, the faithful Catholic bishops and laity struggling to worship God, while suffering more persecution because of the hatful Bergoglio and his minions...

Now we know who the real god of these miscreants and traitors to Christ are: Satan...

The truth hurts, but it must be recognized and accepted, if not, then those who refuse to see the truth, will succumb to the idea of false unity and false obedience, to the ruination of their immortal souls... 

Do not take my word for what Bergoglio has done, and is doing, to disband or transform the authentic Catholic Church into a globalist, elitist, one-world-order false religion, listen to what comes out of his mouth, as well as his incomprehensible, nonsensible attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages.  In addition, his nonstop attacks on anyone who loves the Latin Mass and the faith of our fathers, as handed down either by word or epistle...  St. Paul admonishes and warns us to beware of false teachers, and heretical doctrines -- even if an angel of light were to preach to you another gospel other than what we have revealed, let him be anathema! (Galatians 1:8.) 

Pray for the absolute destruction of the Communist demons and their willing supporters -- especially those who wear the Roman collar!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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