Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Failure Of The Clergy To Admonish And Rebuke The Obstinate, Public Sinner And Its Consequences...

 What consequences?     

First, it is important to acknowledge that our actions, or inactions, our choices, whether good or not so good, have consequences that will be made manifest in one way or the other.  As we will all be held accountable for those choices; there is no way around it...

When the clergy fails in their responsibility to do the job they were ordained to do, then their inactions can, and usually do, lead to a chain reaction of sorts, the most important being, the loss of one's soul for all eternity...

How can I be so sure that someone can go to hell?  It's Biblical for one thing, but all one has to do is to use God-given common sense to realize that it is not only a mass murderer that end up in Gehenna, but also the Christian that commits a full-willed mortal sin.  

Would our good God send someone to hell for one mortal sin?  Doesn't that seem to contradict that God is all loving?   All merciful?

No, and here's why... A person in mortal sin loses all sanctifying grace from the soul... He doesn't necessarily deny or lose his faith, although that could happen, but that loss of grace separates one from God -- permanently, if not confessed.  If confessed, then we see God's mercy and love at work in the soul. 

But what if one is an obstinate, public sinner, and the clergy fails to admonish and rebuke (in all patience and charity) that sinner to reveal the consequences of his or her obstinacy?  

The results can be catastrophic -- for the sinner and the clergy.

We see this diabolical situation going on in civil society as well as in the ecclesiastical realm, e.g., Biden and Pelosi -- both claim to be "devout Catholics," yet are radical supporters of the killing of the preborn.  In the church, we see the same radical supporters, perhaps not of abortion, but other sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, such as rampant homosexuality.

To date, the bishops in their respective dioceses, have not publicly rebuked these self-proclaimed Catholics.  Even though both those politicians are automatically ex-communicated from the Church, the bishops should publicly ex-communicate them with the goal of those individuals seeing the wages of their sins, and to bring them back to the fold, and a state of grace, without which, it is impossible to please God (St. Paul)...

Okay, so the bishops don't do their jobs, then what?  That question can be answered by the moral turpitude that surrounds us... In addition, those in mortal sin (objectively speaking, as God alone can know the deep recesses of the heart and soul), such as those mentioned above, commit the grave sin of sacrilege when they receive the Holy Eucharist -- in many instances, publicly!  Are their hearts and souls that dead, that cold -- that ignorant?

There is another grave sin that few talk about in such circumstances; that of scandal...  Those Catholics, and non Catholics, see what these corrupt politicians do, and yet the Church "allows" them to walk up to the communion rail to receive our Lord??

In the long run, the priests, bishops, cardinals and popes that foster such grievous offenses against almighty God, will have to answer to that same almighty God when they leave this earth.  Do they care?  Do they really believe in God in the first place?  Or, have they made that damnable deal with the devil for power and position in this life, and to hell with the next, that is if they even believe in the next life...

We are living in times that try men's souls... We must not only pray for those we love, but also, and even more importantly, for our enemies.  That is not my opinion, but the command of the God we do believe in!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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