Saturday, September 25, 2021

Is There A Connection With Medical Tyranny And The Occult/Satanism?

 Sound farfetched?

Perhaps, but look at the medical "profession" and the tyranny exercised against the most innocent and most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby...

Now, look at those unfortunate folks who end up in a hospital for treatment for, according to the same medical "authorities", the so-called covid-19 (flu virus).  

If the last 18+ months have not made an impression of freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans being completely prevented from visiting their loved ones in the hospital, leaving those same loved ones to suffer at the hands of medical bureaucrats hell-bent on collecting monies from the federal trough, then the brainwashing has been complete...  

Consider... when someone enters a hospital and tests "positive" for "covid," that hospital receives a certain amount of monies.  Then, if the unfortunate patient is given a horrible protocol/concoction of drugs known to worsen the condition of the patient, and is eventually put on a deadly ventilator, the hospital receives even more money!

This leads the hospital to add to their bottom line at the expense of their patient, regardless if their patient worsens or dies... 

Think about it, the hospitals make more money when someone is placed on the ventilator, so the incentive is not to improve the health of their patient, but rather kill them, and list the death of the patient as dying from "covid," adding to the falsified number of deaths due to a virus that has an over 99-percent recovery rate.  The hospitals know this, and those in charge at the federal level know this.  In essence, we are dealing with a diabolical establishment that has completely abrogated their Hippocratic oath to first do no harm...

It is said that as the Church goes, so goes society... If that is true, then the reports of sexual deviance and satanic "masses" are performed in the Vatican by agents of the evil one, then what makes anyone think that the same cannot happen at the secular level??

The loyalty of a good majority of the clergy, especially at the hierarchical level, no longer swear to serve our Lord as their Master, but have sold their souls to Satan, the father of lies...

This has been proven over the years from actual undercover reports as well as whistleblowers risking all for the sake of the truth...

Those priests, bishops, cardinals -- and popes? -- use their position of power and influence scandalizing whatever is left of the faithful Catholic in the pews, and outright discouraging non-Catholics from entering the one Ark of salvation, the authentic Catholic Church...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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