Saturday, September 25, 2021

Democrat's Most Radical Abortion Bill To Date, Supported By Extremist Apostate "Catholics"...

 This from

"H.R. 3755, the deceitfully named Women’s Health Protection Act, would invalidate nearly all state laws limiting and regulating abortion, including many health and safety regulations designed to protect the lives of women."

(See the full article here: House Democrats Unite to Advance Barbaric Abortion Bill | National Review.)

Can you guess who is behind this attempt to invalidate and nullify the various states' rights to pass and enforce pro-life laws?  It is, of course, the usual culprits, especially House Speaker N. Pelosi, you know, the self-professed "Catholic", who by the way, recently -- again -- showed her defiance of perennial Church teaching, that states unequivocally that the killing of the pre-born is murder, and that anyone who has an abortion, or procures an abortion, or supports legislation supporting that barbarism, is guilty of not only a mortal sin, but is also automatically ex-communicated

When I heard this murderous female state that she "disagrees" with Archbishop Cordileone, and will nonetheless continue her race to perdition by continually pushing for the "right" of a woman to kill her pre-born child, it almost makes me think that there is absolutely no hope of repentance or conversion back to the Catholic/Christian faith of our Lord, Christ.  

But there is always a chance that such folk will respond to the grace of the Holy Ghost, and return to sanity, reason and the holy Catholic faith.  If I didn't believe that, then I would simply not pray for their conversion, but I do...

Still, when I think of those steeped in continual mortal sin, it reminds me of St. Augustine's (?) thought that the idea of final repentance -- on the deathbed -- is a rare thing, and most will die in their sins... A very sobering thought!

We must pray for our enemies; we have no choice here, as Christ commanded us to do so...  That being an act of charity and is part of the second great commandment to: love our neighbor...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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