Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Two Examples Of Wicked And Evil "Catholics"...

  Subtitled: One of the main reasons for their wickedness and evil...

In a previous article I wrote (see here): The Real Reason For The Chaos In The World...

Without God (Christ), we can do nothing.  In fact, every single beat of our hearts is allowed by God.  If He didn't continue to allow our hearts to beat, we would simply die.  It's really that simple...

This fact is overlooked by those wicked and evil "Catholics" who seem to disregard the tenets of the Natural Law at the very least, and the divinely revealed law of God at worst.  Of course, if we follow that logic, it would appear that those who reject God in this life, will have a heavy price to pay in the next.  That is, if they even believe that they will be held accountable for their actions or inactions; sins of commission or omission.  

What follows are two examples of very wicked and evil "Catholics" who flaunt their evil and wickedness, so much so, that it is difficult to believe that their bishops haven't dropped the hammer of ex-communication on these scandalous miscreants!

What we are talking about are two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder (of the pre-born) and "legalizing" homosexual "marriage".  Both mock the Natural Law and Biblical teachings...

These two examples are imbedded in the following video: (1672) Catholic — Headlines — September 20th, 2021 - YouTube

In this video, you will see the "Catholic" female that took over the governorship of the abortion capitol of the U.S., New York State, after the pervert, apostate "Catholic" Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace after numerous charges of sexual harassment by former women employees or consultants.  We are talking about Gov. Hochul, who will be finishing out the remaining term after the departure of Cuomo...

Astonishingly, you will see and hear this most radical and extreme of the proponents of the slaughter of the pre-born promise and guarantee, that New York will welcome -- and assist -- those females from Texas who want to kill their pre-born children, but can no longer do so after the Texas "Heartbeat Bill" was signed into law! 

Already, the evil and wicked Biden "administration" has ordered his "justice department" to use all means at their disposal to fight that pro-life law, so the killing of our tiny, pre-born brothers and sisters can continue unabated.  So far, their efforts have failed...

Next, in the video, you will see and hear the president of Ireland, Michael Higgins, meeting and chatting with the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, talking about "climate change," immigrants, social justice nonsense, the "pandemic", etc.  What is most telling, is that Bergoglio fails to confront Higgins about the Irish Abortion law that took effect in 2018... The following year, 2019, Ireland recorded exactly 6,666 pre-born babies that were torn apart or chemically dissolved, denying them their basic right to life...

The former land of St. Patrick and Shamrocks, is now a seat of the Anti-Christ... (The great Saint must be spinning in his grave.)

In the secular realm -- as the Church goes, so goes society -- I have imbedded another video of Tucker Carlson (see here): FNC's Carlson on Border Crisis: Biden 'Did This on Purpose' ( 

The gist of the video explains the lies and financial burden being perpetrated upon law-abiding American citizens concerning the illegal aliens amassing at the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas, and the humanitarian mess it has created...  But more importantly, it is the Biden "administration," using fear and lies to keep the flow of unvetted, untested illegals into our nation for political gain...

We know that Biden is an apostate "Catholic," who openly supports those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, again, with little or no pushback or condemnation from his bishop.  I contend that if ex-communication were imposed on this incoherent imposter, he might -- might -- turn his life around.  But no, most of the bishops are silent on his crimes against humanity, especially his attacks and war on the pre-born...

I included this video to show -- and accuse -- those infiltrators who have risen through the ecclesiastical ranks of the novus ordo "Catholic" Church, and their wicked and evil schemes to transform the church into an earth-worshipping, one-world religion, all with the overt help of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... 

In conclusion, we have seen the new governor of N.Y. State, and the president of Ireland go about their deadly and evil business without sanctions or rebuke from any of the bishops.  This is not by happenstance, but part of a well organized, well planned coup d'etat to overthrow the social reign of Christ the King...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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