Sunday, September 19, 2021

673,472 Deaths In The United States Due To The Chinese Coronavirus? Not exactly...

 That headline was taken from an article on and written by Amy Furr, September 19, 2021... The following is the first paragraph taken from that article... Note: I added the "?" and the "Not Exactly"...

 "There have been 673,472 deaths in the United States due to the Chinese coronavirus, more than the combined numbers of American military lives lost during battle in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War."

If one were to accept, at face value, that ominous headline -- without question -- because the figure that Furr quoted was from the CDC's own website and, of course, we must trust the CDC... Further, that would indicate almost the exact number of Americans who died during the Spanish Flu of 1918: the estimated number is 675,000...

Making the current and ongoing "death rate" from the Wuhan, China coronavirus just as fatal as the Spanish Flu.   Worldwide, that number was estimated at about 500,000,000 souls...

I'm confused... I have turned to Breitbart news as an alternative source for unbiased news... However, I have also noted that some of the writers on Breitbart have succumbed to the official narrative used to keep the fear-mongering and absolute, total control of Joe and Jane Sixpack's use of their intellect to find out the truth of such a fallacious claim.  In other words, neither Amy Furr, nor some of the other writers for Breitbart are willing to investigate and dig for the real answers, instead of buying the line handed to them on a silver platter...

I would suggest that Furr, and anyone else for that matter, simply go to the CDC's own website and look under the column "All deaths from Covid-19," and notice footnote no. 1.  Scroll down to that footnote and see this: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Let that word: PRESUMED be burned into your mind!  

No real scientist is going to presume anything!

I have used this example in a previous article... Suppose that a NASA engineer had to find the reason why the Space Shuttle's "0 ring" failed, killing all onboard, back in 1986... (At least we are told it was an "0 ring" that failed...)  In any event, what if that scientist came up with a replacement "0 ring," and said: "I presume that this one will work and everyone will be safe and sound..." 

How long do you think it would take for his boss to fire him on the spot?   

The CDC is lying to keep our country in fear and panic, as well as control every minute of our lives, all under the diabolical agenda of the scallywags of the Marxist left, including those in the "hierarchy" of the "Catholic Church"... Like two peas in a pod, they are in cahoots with the devil himself, and to hell with their fellow countrymen or the faithful trying to remain loyal to Christ, our Lord...

So, if you are to believe that 673,472 Americans have died from the Wuhan, Communist Chinese coronavirus, you are free to do so... But!  You are swallowing a massive, conspiracy intended to get you to take a filthy, untested "vaccine" that has proven to have injured and killed more than the number quoted above!   Do the research and find out for yourself...

Think; research; resist!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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