Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Ugly Truth About Biden's State Of Mind...

 Have you listened to any of Biden's -- teleprompter -- speeches lately??

If you have had that misfortune, I'm sure you noticed something very peculiar: his inability to speak or make any sense if he goes off script, or off the teleprompter.

In fact, it has come to light, that his handlers have been doing something incredibly insulting to the supposed "president": cutting off his feed in the middle of a sentence, especially after someone asks an un-planned question!   

Obviously, those who are pulling Biden's strings are so afraid of another gaffe, that they literally cut him off when trying to put a coherent sentence together during an extemporaneous statement or explanation...  

Keep in mind, that it is the president that has the nuclear codes, that, if used, would mean the extermination of humankind as we know it; those codes follow him around no matter where he goes; twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; 365 days a year.

I find it incomprehensible that someone who can hardly remember what state he's in, can hasten the end of the world by making, one horrendous miscalculation, when it comes to any threat to our nation from our perceived enemies...

I know that folks can, and have made fun of this incompetent, apostate "Catholic" politician, but it is no laughing matter if the commander-in-chief is incapable of leading the country in such dire times.

How can there be any confidence in someone who's main goal in this life, it seems, is to take the lives of the most innocent of our species -- the pre-born?   Why focus all his power and influence -- and bullying -- against these tiny babies, and pro-life folks, when he should be concerned about leading the nation to the heavenly beatitude -- the real duty of any government of the people?!

The only thing I can figure out, is that we get what we deserve...Sure, the 2020 presidential election was a complete fraud, perpetrated by anti-American felons, literally stealing votes intended for Mr. Trump.  This has now been proven beyond any doubt.  If anyone questions what I just wrote, simply do some digging, and you will see the updated results of multiple audits in several states.  Multiply those new vote counts across the nation, and see that President Trump won by an electoral and popular vote landslide!

In conclusion, it seems more than possible that Biden will be removed from office sooner rather than later, through the 25 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution... The only drawback to that, is the installation of the "vice-president," Harris.  Another disaster waiting to happen... But that should all end in quick fashion when President Trump re-assumes office long before 2024... 

Earlier, I wrote that we get what we deserve... If we turn our backs on our good God, then He will allow the operation of error to enter our intellects, this happens when we fail to fulfill the Second Great Commandment to love our neighbor...  

Pray for a quick re-installation of President Trump... and pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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