Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Demonic, Homo-Friendly "Bishop" John Stowe Of Lexington, KY: Unvaxxed Priests Can No Longer Minster To The Faithful!!!

  Think about that for one second... Did that sink in?  A successor to the Apostles -- or is he?? -- has told his priests of his diocese that they can no longer minister to the faithful.  Why?  Because some priests do not want to take an un-tested, filthy -- and potentially deadly -- "vaccine" that has, for all intents and purposes, been developed and produced on the backs of the tiny bodies of aborted, pre-born American children...  That's why...

Does anyone in their right mind think that Stowe is really a successor to the Apostles??

First, it is known fact that Stowe is homosexual-friendly, if not homosexual himself.  

Second, his tyrannical dictate directly contradicts the command of Christ, our Lord, to preach and baptize all nations... But of course, that demand of our Lord contradicts the ruminations of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that proselytizing is a sin and we faithful Catholics are evil for wanting to bring someone into the authentic Catholic Church in order to fulfill the reason for the Church in the first place: the salvation of souls

Third, the rotten fruits of the diabolical Second Vatican Council and its aftermath, is on display for to all to see: the influence and near-control of the majority of the hierarchs, by the ideology of the devil himself: Marxist Communism.  Couple that with the synthesis of all heresies, modernism, and you have a spiritually, deadly witch's brew that has, over the last 55 years or so, led to the ruination of tens of millions of Catholics right smack into the firey abyss of hell... 

And fourthly... the new restrictions of the Traditional Latin Mass enthusiastically imposed by "his excellency" at the behest of Bergoglio... It seems these characters were just waiting for an opportunity to further limit the faithful who attend the Mass of the Ages.   But why?   Hate...  Hate for Tradition, and hate for those who stand fast to the Traditions they have learned, either by word or by epistle (St. Paul).  And hate for anyone apposed to their evil agenda to make the Catholic Church irrelevant; just one of many "religions" that can lead souls to Heaven!  Even atheists can get to Heaven!  A la "Bishop" Barron...

Be informed and resist these miscreants!  Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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