Saturday, September 4, 2021

UPDATE!!!! Church Militant Organization Slandered And Denied Their Constitutional Rights Under The First Amendment: Freedom Of Speech, Assembly And Religion...

  See my previous article here: 

Church Militant Organization Slandered! Their November Prayer Rally In Baltimore Un-Constitutionally Cancelled By Demonrats At The Behest Of The "Catholic" Bishops Cabal...

The Demonrats on the Baltimore City Council, as well as the "Catholic" Bishops have overplayed their hand!  And now, a DEMAND LETTER has been sent to the City Solicitor Jim (James) Shea requiring him to respond no later than this past Friday (Sept. 3rd) demanding that Church Militant's conference, and the legal, binding contract, be reinstated, or legal action WILL be taken!  It is becoming more apparent, to me, with each passing day, that this gent has colluded with those "Catholic" Bishops to keep Voris' conference from ever taking place...

Here is the entire video and the Demand Letter as read by Michael Voris...

(1445) The Vortex — Baltimore Update - YouTube

You may be wondering why this conference (now cancelled, at least for the moment) is so important.  The simple answer is that those bishops fear something; could that "something" be the truth?  In addition, they are refusing to answer to the faithful their abject failures in teaching the faith, as well as bringing to justice, those clergy that have abused males over the years, which includes the rampant homosexuality among those very same bishops! 

Stay tuned for more updates as they happen!

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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