Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Deep State Fails To Incite Another Riot At The "January 6" Rally In D.C...

 President Trump warned his supporters, and all the American people, that the planned rally in D.C. (yesterday, Sept. 18th) to protest the treatment of some of those arrested during the January 6, 2021 "riot" -- especially those held in solitary confinement -- was a set-up to entrap the law-abiding to commit violence and to defame Mr. Trump as aiding and abetting insurrection.

Well, it didn't work!

And guess what: the majority of those "Trump supporters" were undercover feds!  In fact, the Capitol Police arrested one of their own when he was discovered carrying a weapon -- and a badge!  That plant was escorted away, but was ultimately let go and his weapon never seized...

Here's another fact: the number of police, undercover or not, and the media outnumbered the actual law-abiding citizens protesting the heinous treatment of those who exercised their Constitutional rights this past January 6, 2021...

Let's get real: the deep state goons (FBI and others) as well as the Marxist media were hoping like hell that there would be another "riot" so they could further the narrative that President Trump was the leader of a pack of anti-American insurrectionists.  

It didn't work.

It will never work, because we, the law-abiding, love our country, as apposed to those who want to see our Republic destroyed.  And who are those miscreants?  Look no further than the illegitimate, bought-and-paid-for, corrupt, incoherent apostate "Catholic" sitting in the Oval Office, as well as the military industrial complex residing in the Pentagon...

These Christ-haters will stop at nothing to impose their globalist, one-world-order, devil-worshipping, baby-killing agenda hell-bent on using our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as bathroom tissue, and in so doing, crushing our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law...

And, if you are wondering why all this is happening in the first place, see my article: The Real Reason For The Chaos In The World...

We are on to the deep state.  They can no longer hide in the shadows, because the light of truth will win out in the long run.  And the primary reason the haters of the human race will fail, is that we have our Lord and Savior on our side -- TRUTH Himself!  We know too, that His Most Blessed Mother will crush the head of the evil serpent with Her heel and forever cast him back to hell for all eternity...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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