Monday, September 13, 2021

The Madmen Are In-Charge -- They Are The Real Terrorists...

 "9/11" has come and gone... We have all heard and read about the eulogies, speeches, memorials and visits by high-ranking elites, commemorating that horrible and deadly day 20 years ago, in the Big Apple, New York City...

"9/11" is in the lexicon of the public forever more... No one dares to question the official narrative that the federal and city governments released as the dust from the crumbled buildings was still settling to the sidewalks below... If anyone did question what happened on that fateful day, they would be ostracized and deemed a demented conspiracy theorist, or worse. 

The more things change, however, the more they stay the same, because questioning that narrative, even 20 years after the fact, you would be accused of wearing a "tin-foil-hat" and hiding in a closet with a baseball bat and walkie-talkies, you know, your link to the aliens from the planet Zircon...

Yet, anyone with an open mind, and who is not afraid of finding out if our own government had a hand in bringing down the Twin Towers and Building 7, would do well to consider the information that is, and has been, in the public domain from non-"tin-foil-hat" wearers, such as professional engineers as well as military and civilian pilots with uncountable hours behind the controls of some of the most sophisticated jet fighters and passenger airliners in the world...

There are also recordings of first responders; police, firefighters, and paramedics who saw -- and heard -- what actually happened as they went about their selfless duties of trying to rescue the suffering victims of the "attack."  

But that is not good enough for the "conservative" talking heads on the radio and the Internet; forget about the liberal media types... 

In my recent article from September 7, 2021, see here: "9/11" Is Just Around The Corner... Let Us Remember Those Who Perished In The "Terrorist" Attacks...

I focused on the 47-story skyscraper, known as Building 7, one of the complex of buildings that made up that area of downtown, southern Manhattan...

The official narrative, again, is that fire caused that massive building to collapse -- into its own footprint -- just as you would see a demolition company bring down such a building...  

If anyone is interested, you can easily do a search to see that there have been many high-rise buildings that burned for up to 24-36 hours, without the steel core beams giving way.  In fact, not a single skyscraper or high-rise has ever collapsed from fire!  Not one!

And yet, we are officially told that Bldg. 7 collapsed in less than a few hours from fires caused by diesel fuel and burning office furniture!  Diesel fuel and office furniture!!  

For more information on the past and current research into the demolition of that iconic building, see the University of Alaska, Fairbanks here: World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) University of Alaska Fairbanks

What was perpetrated on the American public on 9/11/01, was nothing short of absolute treason, by the new-world-order maniacs, and the almost immediate curtailment of our Constitutional rights as guaranteed to us by the Natural Law and our Creator Lord... 

The least we can do for all those who died on that dreadful day, is to continue to dig for the truth, and that truth will set you and our country free from the real terrorists that are still in control of nearly every aspect of our lives...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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