Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Ox-Bow Incident (1943 Black And White Movie)

  The synopsis: three INNOCENT cowboys are unjustly accused of cattle-rustling, and murder, then are hung without a trial.  Just after the mob committed their dirty deed, the Sheriff appears on the scene with his deputy... He asks what happened?... The lynch-mob explains to the Sheriff that they just hung the "killers" of the owner of the cattle that were "rustled".  The Sheriff then explains that the owner was still alive and the real culprits who shot and wounded the owner were captured!

The Sheriff then says to the mob: may God have mercy on your souls, because you won't get any from me!  

It should be noted that all but seven of the mob of nearly 30 men -- and one woman -- were guilty of the murder of the innocent cowboys.  

If my readers want to see an exceptional morality play, where the innocent are portrayed as the villains, and are condemned without proof, please watch The Ox-Bow Incident... You can see this movie on YouTube...

Why do I bring up a movie made nearly 80 years ago?  What relevance does it have to what we see going on in society and especially in the church today?  

If we look to Rome, and the lies and mischaracterizations, as well as the outright hate that is being perpetrated against the Traditional Latin Mass communities, here in the U.S. and abroad, we can see that those thriving communities are being portrayed as "divisive," "rigid," causing "disunity" in the Church etc... There can be only one reason why the innocent are being labeled as the guilty: they -- you and I -- are the roadblock to the agenda of the globalist/Marxist anti-Christs who permeate the hierarchy of the "Catholic" Church... 

Sure, there are a few bishops here and there, and a few cardinals willing to stand up for the authentic Catholic Church and the perennial teachings handed down from our Lord and His Apostles, but sad to say, the majority of those in positions of power and influence are the real guilty parties who are attempting the destruction of Holy Mother Church...

If my statement seems a little harsh, it is not... What we are dealing with are demons on the rampage; devouring all those not anchored in the true faith of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  What makes this battle even worse, is that instead of the attacks by the enemy coming from without the Church, most of the damage and scandal is being done from the enemy within the Church!

This battle could be the worst since the early days of almost continual persecution of the Catholic/Christians up until about 325 A.D... And now it seems that we may be forced into the modern-day catacombs because of wayward shepherds who have given themselves over to Satan, instead of proclaiming their loyalty to their real Master, our Lord...

We -- the faithful -- are being judged as the guilty, while those who are really guilty of speaking and acting in direct contradiction to what the Church has taught for 2,000 years, are getting away with murder, spiritual murder, that is.   Destroying any vestiges of sanctifying grace left in the souls of the flock.  All this, while at the same time, those priests, bishops, cardinals and popes who flaunt their homosexuality and other various forms of corruption, are not only tolerated, but also praised and promoted to even higher positions of power and influence...

If it weren't for our Lord's promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, I feel that more people would just give in or give up, or both...  Let's face it, we are being purified by fire, as gold is purified to expel the impurities imbedded in the ore, to end up with a perfect and spotless offering to our good God...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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