Monday, September 6, 2021

Another Update On The Ongoing Slaughter In Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago...

 Between 8/29 and 9/4, there were 124 Chicagoans shot; 108 wounded and 16 shot and killed; total homicides, 17!

My dear readers, those are the statistics for one week in the war-zone of Chicago!  

If we look at this massive crime wave since the beginning of the year -- with more than three months to go, we see the following: 3,160 Chicagoans shot; 2,623 shot and wounded; 537 shot and killed; total homicides, 567!

If this is not a war zone, then what is???

I find it incomprehensible that Lightfoot is still the mayor of Chicago.  How can this be???  But there is a glimmer of hope... An election for the office of mayor is coming up this week.  So, there is a real chance for the citizens of that beleaguered city to boot Lightfoot out the door, and replace this miscreant with someone who realizes that it is not the law-abiding citizen that is committing this mayhem, but the outlaws and gang members who pay absolutely no attention to laws that protect the commonweal, or restrictive gun laws -- hurting only the good citizens -- that's why they are outlaws.  This fact seems to have escaped the powers that be in Chicago, as well in the state of Illinois; both are run by ultra-liberal, Demonrat tyrants.  

Why is this happening to Chicago -- and the nation??

I can sum it up in these few words: when people turn their backs on the God who made and loves them, then the only other alternative that will fill the void of goodness and charity, is the demon, Satan, and his minions.  We also see this heinous situation in the endless wars planned and carried out by those who think they have no one to answer to but themselves and their mega-rich supports.  

How wrong they are...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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