Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Real Agenda Of Pope Francis, And Recognizing Its Evil Fruits...

 In the Bible, there is a passage of the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus (See St. Luke 16:19 and forward..) hoping to get the few crumbs that might fall from the rich man's table at mealtime...  

As we know -- by the way, how many Catholics read the Bible???  If you are a Catholic, and you don't read the Bible, you are not really a faithful Catholic.  You cannot know and truly love God if you don't know His word... -- the rich man died and was buried in hell; the beggar, Lazarus, died and went to the bosom of Abraham, and, eventually, to eternal joy, never more to suffer any want or desire...

I bring up this passage because I want to make an analogy of what is going on in Catholic circles today, regarding the obviously evil agenda of Pope Francis and his minions.  It astonishes me that there are Catholics who will dig into every letter of the law, while completely ignoring the spirit of what is said or written by Bergoglio (the bishop of Rome).  

And that spirit is absolutely evil; he has turned his energies over to the demon in attempting to disband as many traditional religious entities that hold fast to the traditions they have learned, either by word or by epistle (St. Paul).  And that includes his moves at suppressing the Traditional Latin Mass, by slandering those who attend the Mass of the Saints and Martyrs, because, he claims, they are "divisive," "rigid" and are fostering "disunity" in the Church!   

Let's not forget the scandal of in-your-face idol worship, or, how about caring more about the weather forecast instead of the salvation of souls -- the main reason for the Church in the first place.  

Aren't the sins against the First Commandment a divisiveness that destroys unity at the same time??

I lived through the revolution of the diabolical Second Vatican Council, and the horrendous destruction in the years that followed.  As an example, thousands, literally thousands of nuns, brothers, and priests left their orders so that they could "find themselves"... (By the way, I dated an ex-nun!  In fact, she had left her order so recently, that her hair was still short and close-cropped to fit under her habit...)

Translation: they succumbed to the spirit of the age (or was it the spirit of Vatican Two?)...

How many Catholics are aware of the various Vatican "advisory boards" or conferences that have invited pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-population control lunatics to sit on those boards?  If you are a practicing Catholic and you aren't aware of these anti-Christs, then you are part of the problem.  You cannot act as if everything is fine and dandy, just so long as you have a full tank of gas and six-pack for the upcoming weekend.  If you keep your collective heads buried in the sand, then you will end up where the "rich man" ended up -- for all eternity...  Personally, I'll follow the road that Lazarus took, thankyou...

I'm getting a little off the track here, but I want to make a point regarding those "Catholic crumbs" that Bergoglio brushes off the table once in a while, to keep the novus ordo Catholics inebriated and distracted from what is really going on in the Church...

Sure, he may seem orthodox at times, but that is part of the scam; part of the distraction.  On the other hand, he makes no bones about what he really wants to do: to transform the Church into something unrecognizable as Catholic; to make the Church into the religion of the one-world, globalist order.  These are not my opinions, but the stated or written goals of the haters of life and Christ.    

There is an old saying: Is the pope Catholic??  

I'll let you decide...

With such "leadership" in the Vatican, is it any wonder why the cardinals and bishops appointed over the last eight years are radical liberals, and, most if not all, are either homosexuals, or are at least sympathetic to that sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance?  Such hierarchs further confuse and scandalize whatever is left of the faithful sitting in the pews on Sunday, listening to, what, exactly?

The Faith being preached from the pulpit, or more "social justice" nonsense?

Many of these hierarchs are living "high on the hog," at least for now... I wonder if they believe in an afterlife, and that we will all stand before Christ at our Particular Judgment.  Then again, I truly wonder if they even believe in God in the first place?

Keep in mind, that we are dealing with the third- and fourth-generation of infiltrators that have worked they way up the ecclesiastical ladder to positions of power and influence.  In the  long run, that's what it's all about: raw, unadulterated power, not love of God or neighbor...

As the Church goes, so goes society... That is precisely why we see traitors and demons running and ruining our country, only those demons are neatly dressed, yet their sly, lying words betray who they really are... 

I contend that the Church is undergoing a severe chastisement in the person of Bergoglio... The reason?  Our Lord said it best: when the Son of man returns, will He find faith on earth??  The separation of the wheat from the chaff is underway; pray for the grace to persevere to the end.  It is only those who finish the race that will attain the  crown of eternal life...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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