Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Making Of An American Tragedy In Afghanistan...

  In reality, that tragedy has been on-going for 20 years; our longest war to date... But now, there is very disturbing news leaking out from various sources, that, if true, would make the slaughter of our 13 troops, only the beginning of an even more horrific disaster.

What am I talking about?

It seems that our traitors in the current administration have given the Taliban the names and other pertinent information about our stranded American citizens in order to facilitate their eventual departure from the Kabul airport...

At least that is what we are being told.

I don't buy it.

Why give id's of our citizens to our enemy?

Was this just a "mistake," or was this planned from day one?  

Remember, all our troops are now out of Afghanistan; there are no American soldiers to protect those left behind; they are on their own, and the "state department" has admitted so!

What infuriates me, is the absolute pass the Marxist media is giving to the demented Biden and his cabal of globalist traitors, even in light of in-your-face proof of their treason.  But even more infuriating is the lack of response or action from our Congress and the Senate in rebuking, censoring, condemning and demanding action to secure the release of Americans left behind.  Only a few in the Congress have spoken up, but silence from those RINOs in the Senate is deafening.  

But I digress...

The tragedy that I'm referring to at the beginning of my article, is the possibility that seven busloads of American women were taken to the airport at Kabul to be flown home, but were turned back by the Taliban.  

I have heard something of their fate, but I will not disclose that here; not yet, that is...

In addition, it has also come to light that U.S. veterans -- who else??? -- have, or are attempting to enter Afghanistan, whether overtly or covertly, to rescue our citizens from the hands of the monstrous Taliban.  

But!  As of this writing, those miscreants in our own state department are putting up roadblocks and stifling their efforts.

I will now ask a very naïve question: what is going on here????

Can someone please figure this out and let me know!!!

Of course, I have my own ideas, that, I'm sure, would put me in the category of the "tin-foil-hat" group, but that's okay; I'll wear that "hat" as a badge of honor...

In conclusion, I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about the fate of our American women... Time will surely tell.  Please pray for those women and for all our Americans trapped behind enemy lines in the hell-hole of Afghanistan...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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