Wednesday, August 11, 2021

We Don't Need Another Treasonous Bishop!

 Archbishop for Military Services Supports Mandatory COVID Vaccination for Soldiers

That is the headline from an article on, written by Michael W. Chapman, August 10, 2021...

The gist of the article?  Archbishop Timothy Broglio, head of the archdiocese for the Military Services supports the forced vaccination of all military troops!

Do my readers understand what is happening here?  If not, then you are part of the problem; it is you that is contributing to the fear mongering; it is you that is submitting to total slavery; it is you that will lay down your life, not to sacrifice for a friend, but so the powers that be will control every aspect of your life; it is you that will lose all of your human rights enshrined in the Natural Law, given to us by God...  

We practicing Catholics do not fear death, or at least we shouldn't... We shouldn't live in fear either because the corrupt government and medical "authorities" say that we might -- might -- catch a variant of the flu bug -- that has over a 99 percent recovery rate -- get sick and die, especially if we don't wear a face diaper, "social distance," and hide in our homes or apartments.  And the "big one"?  If we don't get an untested, unsafe, filthy vaccine developed on the backs of our dead, aborted brothers and sisters, and stick a gene-altering, chemical-laden "vaccine" into our bodies, that is supposed to protect us from catching one of many cold or flu viruses.

The reality?  Over 500,000 (could be close to 1,000,000!) people have had adverse reactions, with as many as 50,000 people dying shortly after getting jabbed...

Where have you read or seen that in the mainstream media??  You haven't, and you never will...  Where is the outrage?  Where are calls for investigations???

Also, even the godlike CDC admits that the so-called PCR test is basically worthless, yet they, and other entities continue to use or require such nonsense to see who is "positive" with covid! 


And now, another bishop of the Catholic Church -- or is it the parallel "Catholic" church?? -- is saying that all troops -- and all of us too?? -- citing the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Pope Francis, who have "recognized the morality of the vaccine," should have no moral problem getting the jab... 

Did you get that??

Broglio is citing Bergoglio (almost rhymes!) about the "morality" of the covid "vaccine," as well as the so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith!  Do these people even know what the faith is?  Do they still have even a shred of it left in their souls?  Did they ever have it in the first place???

Except for a few bishops here and there, we Catholics have been left without any shepherds to fend-off the attacks of the ravenous wolves -- dressed in sheep's clothing -- so, in effect, we must fight for ourselves and our families and can no longer count on the bishops to preach -- from the housetops -- the truths of the Catholic Faith, or stand up for the moral and Natural Law engraved in hearts of every human being that comes into the world.  

The precious faith of Christ -- without which, it is impossible to please God -- led so many Saints and Martyrs to suffer and die over the last 2,000 years, rather than renounce their faith, and worship false gods, or for "just" offering incense to a pagan Roman emperor...

One thing we have to do, whether we like it or not, is to pray for those we consider to be our enemies, and that, especially, includes those who wear the Roman collar.  If we don't, then we are rejecting the command of Christ, our Savior, to pray for our enemies.  It can't be any more plain than that...

Pray for strength, honor and for personal sanctification!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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