Thursday, August 12, 2021

Have We All Forgotten The Las Vegas Massacre Of 2017?

  With all the craziness and madness going on in society, especially here in the U.S., under the fraudulent "presidency" of the Biden regime, why would I bring up the horrible massacre that took place in Las Vegas back in 2017?

If we look closely, we can see that many incidences are somehow connected, and when it comes to what are labeled mass shootings, there is usually other circumstances and facts that lurk just below the surface.  When these circumstances are examined more deeply, one can come to the conclusion that something just doesn't smell right...

Take, for instance, the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963...

I was a junior in high school at the time, and when the news hit the airwaves, I was visiting a buddy at his house exploring his coin collection, comparing his, to mine.  As I was searching through his Mercury dime collection (isn't it funny how lots of folks remember exactly what they were doing when the news hit?), the phone rang... It was my friend's father calling from downtown where he worked... He told my friend, Paul, that the president had been shot... Paul then relayed that info to me... For some reason, he said that his Dad was making a bad joke about the president... I continued looking through Paul's Mercury dime collection...

After a while, I started walking back home...

Some girls, who just got off the school bus from the same high school, asked me if I had heard anything about President Kennedy being shot in Dallas (Texas).  At that instant, I realized that Paul's father was not joking, and something terrible had happened, not only to our country, but also to our faith in those elected to represent us and secure the commonweal...

As time went on, there was a commission formed to investigate the murder of our first Catholic president, and to come up with some answers, such as, did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone and kill the president from the Texas Book Depository, firing several shots from a bolt-action rifle?


At the conclusion of the Warren Commission report, the distinguished members of that commission, reported that Oswald did, in fact, fire the bullet(s) that took the life of President Kennedy, as well as wounding the Governor of Texas, John Connally.

That bullet became known as "the magic bullet"... There were several reasons for that infamous handle, and many articles and books have been written about the so-called "magic bullet," but suffice to say, there are some who believe that there was more than one bullet, and even more intriguing, is the possibility that there was more than one shooter who did that dirty deed...

Again, many articles and books have been written about that possibility too...

Fast forward to the night of October 1, 2017, and the country music concert that was held in a sprawling parking lot on the Las Vegas Strip...

Beginning around 10:05 p.m., Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire...  After the shooting stopped, nearly 60 people were dead, and hundreds of others were wounded...

(I would suggest, that at this point, it would be a good idea to reach into your closet and get out that tin-foil-hat; sit back with a nice glass of wine, or a Coke, and read the next few lines of this article...)

One of the most dramatic pieces of evidence that was almost completely ignored by "law enforcement," as well as "news" outlets, were some of the audio recordings -- that I heard with my own ears -- as things were happening in real time...

I will report to my readers now, that I have exceptional hearing; always have, even to this very day... I know what I heard...

On one damning recording, I heard additional quick-firing semi-automatic weapons, or a slower version of full-automatic shots being fired from different locations.  As the lunatic in the hotel stopped to reload, I distinctly heard other shots being fired in quick succession from some of those other locations!  In fact, witnesses who reported same, were silenced and, in some cases, threatened if they didn't keep their mouths shut.  

So, what is going on here??  

Was this another group of Americans being sacrificed for more sinister reasons than that which is told to a gullible, and, in some cases, brainwashed populace ?

What happened to those independent investigators and the results of their inquiries?  

Have the families of those killed and wounded given up their quest for justice and the truth of what actually happened on that terrible night?

The grisly scene in that parking lot was too much for some survivors to take and I'm sure that some folks literally lost their minds...

Look, the point that I'm trying to make here, is that there are people and agendas that are almost too evil to even write about.  Those conspirators will do anything to carry out that agenda, regardless of the cost to their fellow citizens, whether the loss of freedoms, or even the loss of life itself...

We have to look no further than what is occurring in our country at the present time with the likes of the present Marxist regime in the White House and in the majority of the Congress and Senate... But what makes matters even worse, are the Republican traitors that go along to get along with -- who, or what, exactly?   

Our Lord tells us in the Bible, that by their fruits you will know them.  In fact, He said that twice in one paragraph.  That tells me He meant business, and that we sheep had better heed what He said or else we (the Elect?) just might be devoured by that roaring lion, seeking whom he can destroy...

As I have written many times, our Lord tells us to pray for our enemies, but we are also told to keep our lamps filled with oil, so that when the Bridegroom comes, we will be ready to meet, and greet Him and rejoice!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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