Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Americans Trapped Behind Enemy Lines In Afghanistan; Abandoned And Betrayed By The Biden Regime...

 No, this is not the title of a new Hollywood action-thriller, scripted by the creators of fantasy, but an ongoing reality that can very well turn out to be a complete disaster, including torture and slaughter of American citizens...

If anyone is still a fence-sitter, when it comes to judging the actions or inactions of the faux "president" sitting in the White House, then the abandonment and betrayal of Americans stuck behind enemy lines in that hell-hole of Afghanistan, should be enough to knock you off that lukewarm, undecided "fence"...

If anyone is not convinced that those who are running and ruining our country are the real, anti-American enemy doing the work of the globalists, then I suggest you go back to playing your video games and pop open another can of Budweiser...

As I write this article, there are literally thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan.  And there seems to be little help, coming anytime soon, from the likes of the weak and ineffective miscreants at the helm of the ship-of-state...

Those now in-charge of a country, that even Alexander the Great decided not to try to conquer, have shown an unbridled brutality to their own people, especially towards women and young girls, for the most inconsequential of reasons; can you imagine what they will do to those Americans and their families if they are not rescued before the August 31st deadline to leave the country??

But it's not only women and girls in general, and Americans in particular that are at high risk for imprisonment and death, but also Christians, or what is left of those who follow Christ...

This scenario could very lead to a massive hostage situation, with demands that will confound even the most experienced negotiators, probably leaving them helpless to relieve the pain and suffering that is sure to be broadcast on TV screens, shocking what is left of the civilized world.

The debacle in Afghanistan has been 20 years in the making; we have no one to blame but ourselves.  And that blame can be laid at the doorstep of several presidents, as well as the military industrial complex (headquartered in the Pentagon) who greatly profited by supplying weapons, ammunition and aircraft to invade a sovereign country and fight an unnecessary war...

Now, those weapons, and even some aircraft, are in the hands of the Taliban and their radical supporters!  This was not an orderly withdrawal or retreat, but a complete rout, leaving our vulnerable citizens behind to fend for themselves.  Shame!!

The obvious capitulation to the sons of Mohammad by those who are supposed to be our leaders, is sickening and disgusting.  And I think  we who remain at home, on our own shores, will witness a terrible, bloody revenge taken against our captive, fellow Americans.

If there was ever a just cause for impeachment of a sitting "president," this is it: malfeasance of office -- and high crimes and misdemeanors, not the phony "charges" and "investigations" of our President Trump!   

If I were the commander-in-chief, and my citizens (POWs, for all practical purposes) were maltreated or murdered by the Taliban, or anyone else for that matter, I would send wave after wave after wave of B-52s with conventional mega-bombs, and carpet bomb the hell out of the Califate, all the way back to the stone age!

I would not normally write what I just wrote, but my anger is at the boiling point; this situation should not be happening, but it is... If just one American is targeted and killed, then our military should unleash all the power at our disposal to make the bad guys pay until they wish they were never born, period!

Pray to our good God to protect those Americans trapped, and pray to get them home, and quickly...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla





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