Monday, August 2, 2021

Hey, Feminists: What Ever Happened To "My Body, My Choice"?

 Remember those crazy feminazis from the 1960s and the demonic sexual revolution; then the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade in 1973, that led to the wholesale slaughter of over 60,000,000 -- MILLION! -- of our tiny brothers and sisters, which, by the way, has only intensified up to our present day?

Also, remember their mantra of: "My Body, My Choice"?  (Of course we know that there is no choice for the baby targeted in the womb of her "mother," but so long as the female can continue her career or promiscuous lifestyle, what's the big deal??  After all, the Constitution guarantees that right to kill her baby, right?  No, it doesn't.. the "right to privacy" is not found in the foundational document of our nation, period, but was a concoction created and carried out by demented, twisted progressive minds and legislated from the bench...)

And now that we're in the beginning stages of a potential forced-inoculation with an untested, deadly "vaccine" loaded with who knows what, where are those feminazis today, yelling "my body, my choice," when it comes to our right to make medical decisions that directly affect our own bodies??

I haven't heard one, little peep from any of those old hags, or the new crop of brainwashed females, not one...

The word hypocrisy seems to fit those gals quite well, thank you...


Can it be that the entire conspiracy that emanated out of the Wuhan lab -- to develop the covid flu bug -- is all part of the overall conspiracy by a diabolical cadre of those who have lost all supernatural faith in God, that is, if they ever had it in the first place?  In addition, those feminists who engage in the heinous act of abortion, as well as contraception, are the useful idiots who fall right in line with the overall agenda of the globalist elites to achieve their goal of population reduction, and impose a Marxist ideology upon those still living.  If that is the case, and I think all events are beginning to point to it, it may become a scenario of the living envying the dead...


Initially, when the Biden regime first occupied the Oval Office, the question was asked if the federal government would impose mandatory vaccinations of the American people.  They answered in the negative, but now, it seems that that was just another lie from the pathological liar-in-charge.  What these miscreants are forgetting is that there are a vast number of veterans -- I'm one of them -- (even those on active duty) who have served their country with strength and honor and will do so again to protect our freedoms, and to resist to the face, these Marxist Christ-haters.  If they don't realize that fact, they are making a grave miscalculation that will only lead to their crushing defeat...

Challenging days are with us now, and will get more intense...  How we react to those challenges, will show what we are made of.  With the grace of God we will be able to put our principals into action and defend our rights enshrined in our human nature, from the day of our conception, to the very day we leave this earth... Slavery is not an option...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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