Saturday, July 31, 2021

Biden: The Pathological Liar!

 Why is he a pathological liar?  

First, there is no doubt that he is a pathological liar.  

Now, here are some tenets of one who is a pathological liar, and might explain the reasons, or some of the reasons why he is such...

Pathological lying is generally caused by a combination of factors, which may include genetic components, dysfunctional or insecure childhood, dyslexia or other type of cerebral dysfunction. Such conditions may host an environment that is likely to emerge, chronic, or pathological lying as an adaptive defense mechanism.

Second, why is being a pathological liar so dangerous in the first place, and why do some people (the lying mainstream media) cover for Biden's continuous, multiple lies almost every time he opens his mouth? 

Let me answer the last part of the question: why do some (in the media) cover for his lies?  It is simply because they (the media) are the biggest liars of all!  

Being a pathological liar is dangerous in and of itself, but being a pathological liar when sitting in the Oval Office, can actually put the security and stability of the nation at dire risk...

At times, Biden can be fairly coherent, but much of the time -- especially when he goes off the teleprompter, and attempts to speak extemporaneously -- he is one lost sheep...

When dealing with the likes of Xi of Communist Red China, or Putin -- who can run circles around Biden, and even with some of our "allies" in the West, how do we know he won't forget or contradict what he said the last time he spoke?  But it can also show a weakness of the U.S. will, and can lead our enemies to think they can take advantage of us on the world stage. Which, by the way, they are doing...

What would happen, for instance, if this character enters into negotiations regarding our nuclear arsenal, and "gives the house away," while our antagonists get what they want and more?  Sure, such a treaty would have to be approved by the senate, but initial confusion can come into play when debating the pros and cons of what Biden agreed to in the first place...  (Actually, this is nothing new, as previous Democrat presidents -- Carter comes to mind -- have, in some cases, literally turned over our nuclear secrets to our enemies!)  Does it become a matter of malfeasance of office in such a case, or can it even be considered high crimes and misdemeanors --or treason -- leading to impeachment in the Congress and conviction in the Senate?


Biden, by necessity, has surrounded himself with other pathological liars; how can he not?  I wonder how those who lie with, and for him, sleep at night.  I'll take a shot at that: if they are virulent supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born -- murder, as well as various conspiracies to bring down the nation -- then lying is a trivial matter, if it concerns them at all, which it probably doesn't...


We know that Biden is an apostate Catholic -- who flouts his apostacy in front of everyone, including complicit priests, bishops, cardinals and popes.  He has no shame, nor does he have any consideration for his immortal soul, and since he doesn't, then he has opened himself up to the legion of demons that have infected (and possessed?) his intellect.  Said in another way, how can he make rational, moral decisions based on a corrupted intellect?  That's impossible.  (You can't get good fruit from an evil tree, and that tree has produced 50 years of evil, rotten and deadly fruit...)


Over the last year-and-a-half, the American populace has suffered, or has let it be suffered, through a faux "pandemic," robbing us of our rights and responsibilities, as well as our absolute obligation to worship God they way He wants to be worshipped, by shuttering the doors of our churches and denying the sacraments to the flocks of the faithful...

Now, just when things were seemingly getting back to some sense of "normalcy," a new lie is being perpetrated against a once-free America, with another so-called strain of the forever-man-made-covid virus...

As I have warned in previous articles, masks forever, mandatory jabs and vaccine "passports" are now quickly being implemented by many corporations as well as at the federal and local governmental levels.

At the present time, we have no moral leaders, just puppets of the globalist/new-world-order oligarchs intent on reducing the population of the earth and enslaving the rest of us...  I wonder, though, if any of the elites will be willing to sacrifice themselves, and be among those who are targeted for extermination, in order to "save the earth"?  I think not...

So, where does all this leave those who fear God and love their neighbor?   Between a rock and a hard place.  But!  We have Someone on our side, through thick and thin: Christ, our Lord and His most Blessed Mother, who, by the way, it is prophesied that She will crush the head of the evil one, Satan.  

What a pleasant thought for us, but not for him!

Pray for our enemies, and pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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