Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Republican" -- TRAITOR -- Senator McConnell Is Threatening Another Massive Lockdown If We All Don't Get The Filthy, Deadly Covid-19 "Vaccine"...

 This brute just announced that we will be subject to another massive lockdown, leading, no doubt, to more people dying from suicide, deep depression, isolation and drug abuse, that is, if we all don't stick out our arms and take the deadly jab of the so-called "vaccine."  

But!  The hypocrite, McConnell, is not telling you the obvious: the border is wide open to any and all illegal aliens with who knows what diseases (TB is on the rise -- from infected aliens), including the "dreaded" covid-19 virus... To be blunt, the invasion of the illegal aliens at the border, is nothing less than a tsunami, planned and carried out by the globalist miscreants in the White House, led by the fraudulent, Biden and his cabal of anti-Christs... 

Not only that, but these criminal aliens are getting our federal tax dollars, as well as transportation, housing, welfare payments (debit cards) and the like, as soon as they cross the border into the U.S.  

So, the question begs: if we are going to be threatened or forced to get an experimental "vaccine" -- developed on the backs of dead, aborted babies -- are the illegals going to be forced to get the jab??

We know what the ultimate goal of these anti-American, anti-freedom terrorists are: population control and population reduction, as well as absolute control of every aspect of our lives.

Not only do we have to defend ourselves against the Demonrats, and their diabolical agenda, and now, the rotten RINOs, like McConnell, are finally showing their hand.  In a sense, this is a good thing because we know who our enemies are; they are out in the open for all who have eyes to see, see, and ears to hear, hear... There is no more guessing; no more excuses to attempt to explain away their demonic actions...

Get ready, my dear readers, the battle is just over the horizon!  St. Michael the Archangel, come down from Heaven and defend us in battle!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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