Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tightening The Screws On The Un-Vaccinated With Lies, Misinformation -- And THREATS!

 Your informed opinion based on your beliefs as well as research, apparently means nothing to those intent on getting you and I to take the so-called covid "vaccine."

I have been sounding the alarm to my family that mandatory jabs with the experimental "vaccine" is just around the corner, whether we like it or not.  That predication is quickly coming true, with numerous reports and "initiatives" by the federal, as well as state governments, to get everyone vaccinated.  

As a veteran, I get my health care from the Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics.  Yesterday, it was announced that all VA healthcare workers will be required to get the untested, gene-altering covid "vaccine," that is, if they want to keep their jobs.  It is estimated that 70 percent of the nearly 350,000 workers have already received the jab...

In addition, yesterday, I received a mailing from the VA that "encourages" all veterans -- to play "Russian Roulette" -- with a "vaccine" that has caused at least half-a-million adverse reactions, up to and including death.  Some of this information was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, known by the acronym, FOIA...  It is becoming more apparent with each passing day, that the powers that be do not want such information revealed to the public, and that public includes you and me.

Keep in mind, that the majority of the "vaccines" have been developed with cell-lines from dead, aborted babies.

(The crime of abortion continues unabated, with their precious, tiny bodies being sold to the highest bidder for "research" -- and profit...)

You would think that 100 percent of the Catholic hierarchy would stand firm, arm-in-arm, in denouncing the use of cell-lines from those poor babies.  But no!  That is not the case at all...  

Several bishops, archbishops, cardinals and even pope Bergoglio, are saying that it is a moral obligation for all Catholics to take that filthy "vaccine" into our bodies!

Can you believe it??

As an example, that bastion of the Catholic faith in the war-ravaged City of Chicago, "cardinal" Blaze Cupich, a known supporter of the homosexual cabal within -- and without the Church -- and who directly contradicts church teachings on faith and morals, recently admonished all Catholics that it is a moral obligation to get the jab.  

The same was uttered by pope Bergoglio some time back... 

Do you see an evil pattern here?  The same words and phrases being used, right out of the same Marxist "playbook"... 

Others in the hierarchy have capitulated to the spirit of the age, read: globalist agenda to destroy the human population -- and the Church along with it -- the last barrier to their demonic, globalist agenda of world domination and eventual slavery...

If mandatory vaccinations -- and vaccine passports? -- make their way to your neighborhood, what will you do?  How will you react as a practicing Catholic?   Even non-Catholics will face a conundrum; a choice, to serve (obey) God or man...

There are two forms of martyrdom: white and red.  White, can mean the loss of our freedoms to move, and purchase goods and services, our jobs, etc., because we choose not to violate our bodies with a potential deadly "vaccine," and red, where we actually shed our blood as did the early Catholic/Christians for the faith of Christ.   

The prospects of either are not pleasant, but the attack on our God-given rights can and will backfire on the very ones attempting to deprive us of our ability to live, work and raise our families...  Whether they know it or not, if we do suffer death by the shedding of our blood for our faith and principals -- based on that faith -- that is a "sure ticket" to the beatific vision of our Lord and the heavenly court where we will see those early martyrs who gave their all for the one, true, church that Christ founded 2,000 years ago...

Not such a bad deal after all...

Events are beginning to move very quickly now, very quickly...

So, I say, bring it on!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle to come...

Gene DeLalla

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