Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Anti-Freedom, Anti-God Creeps Continue Their Assault On America -- That Means You And Me!

Believe it or not, more than just a few of our own military generals are plotting to enslave us, that is, after they confiscate all our weapons, and, for all practical purposes, destroy or nullify our Second Amendment rights.

Once that is accomplished, we will, in fact, be slaves to their diabolical whims; we will become their serfs and they will be our masters...

Does that sound far-fetched or extreme, or maybe my readers might think I've lost it?   

Let those who have eyes, see, and those who have ears, hear -- the daily drivel that emanates from those in the illicit, fraudulent "administration" of the Biden regime, pushing dangerous anti-gun, socialist rhetoric demonizing -- US! -- if we cling to our guns and Bibles.  

Sound familiar?  It should.  That came right out of the mouth of that Marxist-hater of Americana, B. Hussein Obama -- you know, the "community organizer" from the state of Illinois who fooled enough "Catholics" to vote for and elect that particular Ape of Christ, not once, but twice!!

Let us not forget that Obama clearly stated that America was no longer a Christian nation!  His words, not mine.  So, the question begs, if America is no longer a Christian nation, or at least adheres to some basic tenets of Christianity, then what are we???  Muslim?  Marxist-Communist?  Socialist?  Or a demonic combination of all??

Granted, B. Hussein Obama is no longer "president," but he does have a clone sitting in the White House, continuing to carry out his (Obama's) radical agenda.   One of the major problems with Biden is that he is so incoherent at times, that it sends chills up and down my spine!  


Keep in mind that it is the president that has the nuclear codes and gives the final "okay" to launch our nukes at some perceived enemy.

Of course, that would mean the end of humanity as we know it.  But only for some, not all.  At least that's what they think...

The elites will have their "doomsday bunkers" to crawl into, then emerge from hibernation after the deadly radioactive fallout finally ends; if it ever does... Haven't they figured out that life-giving rain and topsoil will be contaminated for decades?  Maybe there're not so smart after all...


Right after Biden stole the Oval Office, he appointed his own bought and paid for Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, an arm-chair general who will lick anyone's boots, so long as he can keep his retirement.  He is one of the creeps who is pushing the radical "critical race theory" on the members of the military services, not to mention one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality, as well as the "lifestyle" of those confused loonies, the Alphabet-soup-group that wouldn't recognize the Natural Law if it were staring them in the face!

Many of our service members have anonymously complained that such nonsense is being forced down their throats, with mandatory CRT training, or worse...  Of course this is being denied.  However, when Austin, along with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, were questioned by senators, the truth, strangely enough, came out, although it was like pulling teeth...

But it doesn't end there... These, and other military chiefs, are warning John Q. Public that there are "white supremist" and "extremists" hiding in plain sight in the military ranks, and they must be weeded-out.  

What these idiots are doing, is falling in lock-step with the mentally incompetent, Biden, and his plan to weaken and devastate the enlisted ranks, as well as some of the officer ranks to the point of outright despair...

One would have to question the reason for the contamination of the military with the un-natural and bizarre elements of society, while, claiming that it is necessary to have the Alphabet-soup-group in the ranks for "unit cohesion" and "esprit-de-corps"!

If anyone still believes the nonsense coming from these imposters, I still have that bridge for sale on some wonderful oceanfront property in the sunny state of Arizona...

As a veteran of two branches of the military, and a Vietnam War veteran, I am totally disgusted with the infiltration of the enemy of the people into the military ranks...  

Where and how will this all play out, is anyone's guess, but I think that those who are in a position to make such important -- and radical -- decisions, are miscalculating those who serve their country, to the point of instigating a justifiable mutiny...  Time will tell...

In the meantime, pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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