Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How Do We Resist And Repel The Demons?

 Good question...

First, we have to know and recognize our enemy: just who are the demons?  And, are we talking about those demons from the nether world, or are we talking about those humans who do the work of the demons?

The answer to the question is, both.

Secondly, we must know ourselves... if we don't recognize our weaknesses, and don't "work" on them, we will be prone to failure in our fight to reach our ultimate goal: eternal life...

Third, now that we know that humans do the work of the demons, we can resist them in ways that coincide with our state in life, and our talents.  As for myself; I realize that I can't write for beans, but I have to try...  that's the only way I know to call out those who betray their country and their God.  Others, can use different avenues of attack according to their talents... For instance, a pro-life politician can call out those "colleagues" who use their power and influence to push legislation that compromises or destroys the pre-born, and, prevent the use of our federal tax dollars to do so...

There are also pro-life, pro-Natural Law clergy that are loyal to Christ, and call out their errant brothers who wear the Roman collar, but support the un-natural agenda of the sodomites, or are sodomites themselves.

Come to think of it, all the clergy should fall into the former category (pro-life and pro-Natural Law), and not have any in the latter!  But sadly, that is not the case...

The obvious implication of having two categories of clergy, and knowing the difference, is crucial if we are to put our trust in, and believe what they preach from the pulpit...  How on earth can there be clergy who do the work of Satan and his minions, while, at the same time, claiming to serve our Lord??   Again, another obvious answer: they can't do both; it's either a case of serving God, or the Ape of the Church, the devil...    

We know that God -- as well as the demon -- works through people, with rare exceptions, and we are to judge those individuals by their fruits.   So, yes, we can make objective judgments based on truth, and point out the falsehoods espoused by those who do evil, whether in civil society, or in the Church.  And there are plenty in the Church who need to repent of their ways, and return to orthodoxy before they meet their Master at their Particular Judgment...

In the meantime, those clergy, as well as those in society, who do evil and avoid good (just the opposite of what we humans are supposed to do!) are causing great scandal that can, and has, led many souls to perdition.  What an incredible price those who are responsible for doing so will have to pay, especially those who have entire flocks entrusted to them...

Now we can explore the tools and "weapons" we can use for self-sanctification, and the sanctification of our families, while, at the same time, defeat, or at least fend-off those demons who surround and attempt to trick (tempt) us, using our weaknesses to make something -- or someone -- appear appealing or good...

The number one tool is prayer.  And, in conjunction with that, the highest form of prayer, the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages, offering the sacrifice of the Son back to His Father.  (The devil hates the TLM, in fact, he hates the Latin language!)  

For the married: fidelity to one's spouse and the ability to sacrifice for the children.  For the man of the home: exert and exercise his masculinity for the betterment of his family.  For the woman: be the heart of the home.  The devil hates fidelity -- and the family unit -- and those who are faithful to each other and, our Lord -- and His Most Blessed Mother.  And that's the other "secret" weapon to fending-off the demon: veneration of the Mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  But we cannot overlook the "terror of demons," the great spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph!     

The bottom line: we are literally surrounded by demons who try to distract us by using our concupiscence, our weaknesses, to sin against our Lord, thereby jeopardizing our immortal souls.  It is a constant battle for sure, but the rewards are great.  As St. Paul tells us in the Bible, that he persevered to the end, and finished the race, winning the crown of eternal life... That is our goal; anything less, and we will risk losing the beatific vision for all eternity... 

That is not an option.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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