Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Why Is The Relentless Juggernaut Of The Covid "Vaccine" Being Pushed -- On Children?

  Not a day goes by that we don't read or hear some new version of the propaganda being ramped-up about the "threats" to the children if they don't get the Covid "vaccine," and that's in addition to those lunatics who want to mask-up kiddies over two years of age when they go back to day care or school. 

Why is that poisonous, untested, unapproved "vaccine" being pushed on the children??

If you listen closely to the likes of "Dr." Fauci, or even the more radical, director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, you would think that if we adults -- and now the children, over two -- don't don't get the "vaccine," they, and we, will very shortly, get sick and die from the man-made, demonic witches'-brew developed in the Wuhan lab in Communist Red China.

And yes, more evidence is emerging every day -- and now admitted even by the mainstream media propaganda machine -- that the virus was manufactured after un-natural, gruesome experiments including animal and human interactions with the so-called coronavirus (better known as Covid-19).  

(It is important to keep in mind, that those who, supposedly, contract Covid, have nearly a 94 to 99 percent recovery rate, depending on age and co-morbidities.  For the children -- if they even get it -- the recovery rate approaches a full 100 percent!)  

The point being, is that this massive juggernaut to push the "vaccine" on the little tikes, is akin to child abuse, and one of those entities responsible, are the gutless, brainwashed parents of those children. 

But is there an even more sinister reason to vaccinate the kiddies?

Numerous sources, including government agencies, both in the U.S. and abroad, have reported tens of thousands of adverse reactions to several "vaccines," including heart problems and blood clots -- in young and older people as well, leading up to, and including, death...

There are also claims by reliable sources, that the combination of elements that make up the "vaccines," could very well alter the genes and DNA that make up who we are.  Not to mention that most of the "vaccines" were developed using the cell lines of aborted -- murdered -- babies.  In essence, scientists are playing the dangerous Frankenstinian game of "creating" a new life form very different than that designed by our dear Lord and Creator...

The prospect of such a "creation" doesn't surprise me one bit, considering the void of God almighty in secular society.  And there are reasons why things have sunk to this new low: the compromised, apostates in the hierarchy of what passes for the "Catholic" Church these days... 


As my readers know, I often scold the hierarchy of the Catholic Church for their desertion of the flocks entrusted to them.  Some may say that I am "picking on them."  So be it.  But I have not deserted them; they have deserted me -- and the entire flock of the faithful.  It is said, that as the church goes, so goes society... That truism has been played out in spades, from the time of the diabolical 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision, and the over 60,000,000 -- that's MILLION! -- babies slaughtered in the womb for convenience sake, to the rampant homosexuality that has infiltrated to the highest ranks and positions in the church, leading to corruption and scandal almost beyond comprehension... The days of the establishment Church being the light and beacon of faith and morals -- even to the non-Catholic world -- are long gone...


So, what is the ultimate goal of these mad scientists?  Can it be population control?  Or, is it outright population reduction; read: killing off billions of the human race in order, for what?  To "save the planet"?  Make the world "more habitable"?  If so, for whom or for what?  To show the people of the world who is really in charge?  They, -- doing the work of Satan -- instead of following God's plan for the human race?  Your guess is as good as mine...  But the relentless juggernaut to push the "vaccine" into the arms of the little ones, seems to corroborate the demonic idea of population control/elimination... If not accomplished through abortion and contraception, then through deadly "vaccines" that may cause increased infertility and/or miscarriages...  

This play might be in its final acts...

Pray for strength and honor to stand-up to these radical bullies, and for what might be coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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