Friday, July 23, 2021

The Normalization Of Anarchy...

 Our Republic is falling apart, and I'm beginning to wonder if there is any hope -- at all -- that we Americans can save it... But it is not up to us, only, and that will be discussed later in this article...

First, let us look at the actual definition of the word, anarchy:

A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.

My readers know by now that in most of the articles I write, I point out some weaknesses or outright violations of the Natural Law, as well as the disregard of the second great Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor.

Writing in that manner may sound negative much of the time, but it also serves a purpose: to show that without God, we can do nothing; we cannot survive as a society if we kick our Lord out of the public sphere, and, to date, that has been done quite successfully to the detriment of all who live and breathe.

Sadly, it is not only that our Lord has been kicked out of the public sphere, but also -- in many instances -- out of the Church that He founded 2,000 years ago by a highly corrupt hierarchy.  

If the hierarchy are willing and able to abandon their flocks to the ravenous wolves, then what else may they be capable of doing?  One of the most obvious, is the latest attack on the Traditional Latin Mass and even those who assist at the immemorial Mass that produced countless Saints and martyrs down through the centuries... This attempt to stamp out the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, is being done by none other than pope Bergoglio and his hand-picked cronies.  The irony here, is that Bergoglio is inciting a form of spiritual violence directed against those who love the TLM, and recognize the truths of the Faith that are regularly preached from the pulpit in contrast to the "new mass," concocted by the rogue archbishop Bugnini, at the Second Vatican Council. 

It should be pointed out that Bugnini actually bragged that he had wiped out any vestige of the idea of sacrifice -- the essence of offering the Father's Son back to Himself as a propitiation for our many sins.  Hence, it was then that Protestants indicated that they would have "no problem" with the new version of the Mass -- to be used in their services!!  

Bergoglio has classified those who love the TLM as "rigid," and that there must be something wrong within them... ???  While at the same time he  allows the likes of the homosexual-loving, James Martin, and others, to spew their filth into the hearts and minds of "Catholic" high school students across the U.S.  

Anarchy, if allowed to fester and spread without consequence, spills  over into other areas of society.  Take for instance the near obliteration of the rule of law, not just in the streets, as we have witnessed all too often over the last year-and-a-half, but also the slaughter of the pre-born in the womb... If we, as a society, are willing to allow the murder of the most defenseless of our species, can the bar be set even lower?   What will be the next level of injustice and lack of charity?  It can't be rampant homosexuality and "same-sex marriage," we already have that.  So, what will be next??

In conclusion...when the mobs involved in anarchy and insurrection are allowed to burn, loot and destroy without consequence, and developing babies in the womb are destroyed without consequence, can we expect God to bless our nation?  I think not... 

We know from biblical history that cities -- and entire nations -- have been destroyed for turning away from the true God, and sank to the level of worshiping a golden calf, or a rock, or males lusting after other males, or females wanting other females, can we expect the wrath of God for our numerous -- unrepentant -- sins and apostacies??  I think so...

Our merciful God also demands justice.  And that day is quickly approaching, my dear readers...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for personal sanctification!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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