Saturday, July 24, 2021

Democrats: The Super-Spreaders Of MISINFORMATION And Outright Lies...

  I just checked one of the websites I scan, almost on a daily basis, to get some measure of truthful information, as opposed to the mainstream "news" outlets, as well as those "newspapers" that I wouldn't use to line the bottom of my bird cage -- that would be an insult to my little parakeet...

Lo and behold, what do I see?  At least four Democrat senators calling for suppression of "misinformation" or "disinformation" on various forms of social media; regarding what?  You guessed it: the "vaccines" being used to fight the Wuhan coronavirus, better known as covid-19.  We can't have that, now can we...   They are encouraging the White House to enable measures that would directly attack our First Amendment right to freedom of speech...

Please let that sink in, and once it does, get really, really scared...

The calls to limit free speech, is being cloaked in "concern" for those folks who may be susceptible to various viruses, such as the common cold or flu.  But in today's "woke" world, those common viruses miraculously morph into covid-19, that is, if you're tested with the now-debunked PCR test: the new religion of the medical and civil elitist "authorities".  They tell us, if you don't get vaccinated, get ready to meet your Maker, or at least you'll become a "super-spreader" responsible for infecting and killing your neighbor.

This treasonous move by these and others of the hard left, will only get more intense with each passing day.  In fact, there are now more and more calls for mandatory vaccinations as well as vaccine "passports."   As you would expect, the majority of those calls are coming from the Demonrats and their partners in crime: the mainstream media.  However, it is not only the Demonrats, but also some RINO's (Republicans in name only) that have become so brainwashed, they have now jumped on the covid-19-vaccine- passport-bandwagon, with our enemies, to squash our God-given rights to make our own medical decisions without interference from the bloated, behemoth monstrosity that has become the federal, centralized government.

Most American patriots would agree that we are at a watershed, as far as our Constitutional rights are concerned, with each passing day seeing those precious rights eroded and infringed upon to the point of near-extinction, in some cases...

No one should be surprised seeing these developments unfolding right before our eyes.  These are the same people who are in favor of snuffing-out the life of tiny babies in the womb for the blood-money that pours into their campaign coffers by the murderers known as "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  

Here's the kicker: many of those killers are "Catholics"!  That's right, the same group of demonic monsters who sacrilegiously receive the Holy Eucharist on Sunday, then, on Monday, go right back to support legislation to makes sure that our federal tax dollars continue to flow into the abortion mills and make millionaires on the backs of dead babies...

Just the other day, that bastion of the Catholic Faith, speaker of the house, N. Pelosi -- a self-professed "devout Catholic" -- bragged about how she and her husband had five children in six years, but continues to twist the Catholic religion, as well as the Bible, to justify the tearing apart of our little brothers and sisters for bloody, filthy lucre's sake, under the guise of "women's healthcare," or "choice" -- the baby, on the other hand, has no choice but to suffer excruciating pain and death.  The Frankenstein's then take the aborted baby apart and sell his little parts to the highest bidder (this is in direct violation of federal law, yet it continues to this day -- even after undercover videos proved this to be the case!). 

In conclusion... if the demonic are willing, and more than able, to slaughter pre-born babies and sell their body parts on the black market, then shutting down or First Amendment rights is nothing in comparison...

These brutal monsters will stop at nothing to ensure a continued flow of aborted baby body-parts, as well as destroy our God-given rights (our Natural rights do not come from government).  They also continue to foster the un-natural phenomenon of "tansgenderism" and homosexual "marriage" and excoriate anyone who dares to stand up to the lies of that rot.  Of course, the idea here is to keep the populace in fear and submission to illicit mandates, and, eventually, force filthy, deadly "vaccines" on a brainwashed public; the list is almost endless... Make no mistake, what is left of our Republic will be destroyed from within, unless we peaceably fight back with the truth...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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